Chapter 19: Hospital

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It has been a little over a week since I heard the terrible news. Cambria was in a car accident while on her way home from a lacrosse game. It was a drunk driver, and he died at the scene, leaving Cambria bleeding and alone for a little while. It was unclear how long it took until a good samaritan called 911. I have never felt so helpless than I do at this moment, seeing my best friend injured and unconscious.

She was intubated with a breathing tube down her throat because she couldn't breathe on her own. There were multiple bruises on her face and arms. The most prominent bruise was very purple and on her neck, going across her clavicle. It looked excruciating and was indicative of her wearing a seatbelt. Thank goodness. Cambria's most severe injury was her head wound, which was already stitched up and bandaged before we arrived. I can't help but remember how terrified I was when I first saw Cambria. Seeing her in that state... is something that I will never, ever forget.

When we arrived at the hospital, the doctor explained how she was lucky to be alive. After the doctors did what they could for her, the immediate concern was to monitor her brain for further swelling. We apprehensively listened as they went into detail about how Cambria lost a significant amount of blood, resulting in her slipping into a coma. Due to her injuries and the accident itself, it was clear that the airbag malfunctioned. It didn't deploy as it should have, and instead, the dashboard ejected, hitting Cambria in the head, causing her severe four-inch head laceration, leaving her unconscious. She needed over fifty stitches to close it up. The doctor also informed us that her MRI showed edema and localized swelling, which meant that there was a possibility she could suffer from retrograde amnesia due to the concussion she sustained.

I haven't left the hospital yet, and I do not plan to. Blake and Clara are holding each other, doing their best to keep it together. I could only imagine how they are feeling. I, myself, felt like I was drowning in an endless river of doubt and fear. I've had to fight these feelings, no matter how hard it was to do so. What if she doesn't pull through and wake up? Will she remember her parents? Will she remember me...?

I took a few seconds and closed my eyes while taking a deep breath. When I opened my eyes again, I noticed Blake leaning on the wall, and Clara sobbing softly. I guess I had my eyes closed longer than I thought I did. I stood up, walking over to Clara, and hugged her. I was not sure if this would help her, but I figured that we could both use comfort. I know I could... I just really wanted to tell her that everything would be okay. I hope it will, at least.

"Your daughter is the most stubborn, lovable person that I know, Clara. She will pull through this; there's no way she will go down without a fight. Not to mention, she would need to brag about how awesome she is afterward, too." Clara let out a sob following a chuckle after what I said, and we held each other tighter, providing the comfort that we both demanded.

It didn't matter how many times the doctor and nurses would attempt to reassure us of Cambria's progress. We couldn't help but continue to worry. The only positive aspect we clung to was as the days continued to pass, her wounds started to heal, and the bruises began to fade. She was also now able to breathe on her own, resulting in the removal of the breathing tube. All that anyone could do at this point was to wait as patiently as possible for Cambria to regain consciousness.

I was left alone tonight, sitting next to Cambria. Clara had to take care of the work that she missed. Blake took care of everything else that was needed and remained supportive. Blake asked me if I could stay, and I agreed to do so, without hesitation. I told them both that I wouldn't be anywhere else other than right here. Before they left, Blake and Clara hugged me.

Knowing that I would be here for a while, I prepared. I brought my laptop in order to edit photographs and get some work done. I also made sure to bring a book, so I could read to Cambria in the hopes I'd elicit a response from her. I had plenty of options to keep myself busy, though. I felt like listening to music, so I put on the song "All Around Me" by Flyleaf. All I wanted right now was to hear her voice. I wanted those gorgeous blue orbs to open and give me that damned smirk I've come to love so much. I miss her terribly, and I am afraid of what could happen when she finally wakes up.

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