Chapter 39: Love

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Earlier this evening, when prom had ended, I informed Cambria of the surprise to go to the cabin. She was shocked, but I could tell she was also very excited. I remember Cambria telling me that she is looking forward to some rest and relaxation. I made sure to explain everything that my mom did for us, and she ended up calling Ali during the drive, thanking her for this little getaway. My girl is so damn cute.

The moment we reached the cabin, we got out of the SUV together, retrieved our belongings, and walked to the front door. When I looked around, it resembled a wooden cottage more than a cabin, and it was further away from light pollution, which allowed us to see the stars in the sky. This cottage my mom picked for us looks like it was plucked right out of a fantasy movie or something; she really outdid herself.

Once we were inside, we placed our bags in the living room area. Then, Cambria showered first and got into her pajamas. I showered after her, putting on my underwear, bra, shorts, and a tank top. When I walked into our room, I took a few minutes to observe her. She stood by the opened window, gazing out into the night while listening to the song "I Drove All Night" by Celine Dion.

I saw her stretch and remove her hair tie, allowing her slightly damp hair to fall down to her back as she repositioned herself. Cambria took a slow deep breath before leaning more comfortably against the window sill. I wonder what is running through that beautiful mind of hers at this moment. I know my mind is full of the love I have for my phenomenal partner before me.

To this day, I still can't believe that we ended up together... When we met in middle school, it was a random circumstance, and then us becoming the best of friends... that was really lucky... Now that we are a couple and so very much in love... I feel as though I have no words to describe how this makes me feel. Who am I kidding...? Of course, I can easily explain how I feel about all of this, and it all begins with one simple yet compelling word...


Something as rare and beautiful as this, to me, has always been unfathomable. It was so incredibly foreign to love myself for so many years that the idea of love really wasn't something that I thought about on any given day. I never imagined that I would be lucky enough to receive love the way I do from Cambria, let alone the way I love someone like her. All I ever think about and want to do now is show my baby how loved I feel by bestowing how much I care, need, and unmistakably adore everything about her.

"It's so beautiful out here..." Cambria softly stated as the song came to an end, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, it is," I replied, and she turned around, looking into my eyes.

Upon staring into her captivating blue depths, I could see the loving emotions flowing out of Cambria when she looked at me like this. Her eyes were much darker than usual, and it was very sexy to see. She then motioned for me to come over to her, and we met in a slow, delicate kiss. As it intensified, I pulled her shirt off, halting our actions for only a second before capturing her lips again. Cambria decided to take charge and stopped the kiss in order to place her lips on my neck. She started sucking at my most tender spot, and I felt so weak to her touch.

"You are far too overdressed," Cambria whispered in my ear, causing my body to shiver. I could hear the smirk in her voice when she said that as well. She suddenly slapped my ass and then gripped it firmly. I whimpered, biting my lip when she lifted me. I wrapped my legs around her waist, and she carried me over to the bed. Oh, fuck... I'm getting so turned on...

As Cambria set me on the bed, she slid my shorts off with ease as she climbed up and straddled me, smiling. When I looked into her eyes, I realized that the scars on my legs were now in the open, and I slightly felt self-conscious. She hasn't seen them in a while... I know they're not exactly something anyone would want to look at... especially during moments like this... My eyes quickly looked away only for a mere second before I returned my sight to her. However, she caught this action and possibly my worried expression as well because she spoke up.

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