Chapter 35: Drive

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Cambria held my hand after she started the ignition, beginning the journey to my mom. She laced our fingers together, and her thumb affectionately brushed the back of my hand. I was not exactly sure how I was feeling, but I knew I was okay right now. Cambria always knows how to comfort me, even when I don't think I need it. I'm so fortunate she fell in love with me, and we can be together like this. I am still in awe that this is our life now, but I would never want it to change. I glanced over at her and smiled.

"I love you," I said to her while lightly tightening my grip on her hand.

"I love you more," She replied while detaching her hand from mine to boop my nose, making me giggle.

Cambria put some music on and began to hum along happily. Her damn playlist had always been amusing to me, as she loved all types of music. It's quite entertaining watching Cambria while she drives because she sings along to Britney Spears, endeavoring her most solid impersonation of her. Then, as soon as the next song starts, she begins to do her best, Busta Rhymes, out of nowhere. The moment I got used to this, she flipped the script and started rocking out to Slipknot.

Cambria would look over at me from time to time, and I knew she was making sure I was okay. After all these years, there's no doubt in my mind that I know her just as well as she knows me. Nothing will ever change or take this away from us, which reassured me in and of itself. The beginning of our drive mainly consisted of me being silent, thinking about what possible scenarios could happen with my mom.

What is she going to say to me...? I clearly remember how much hatred I saw in her expression that day, even before she stopped looking at me altogether. Does she still hate me and not accept me and my lifestyle...? Is it believable that she is planning to apologize to me and genuinely mean it...? Or, is she planning to hurt me further by doing something comparable to what my dad did with his scathing letter not too long ago? How would any of these scenarios make me feel? Could this meeting be a stepping stone allowing a new start and future between us...? Am I simply being naive, dreaming for the impossible...?

"No matter what happens, I will be right beside you. I won't let her hurt you. Trust me, I'll stop anything before it happens, and I will always protect you, babygirl," Cambria sincerely said, after lowering the music's volume, pulling me from my constant inner dialogue. I could feel a couple of tears sliding down my cheek at her loving, protective words. Before I could wipe them away, Cambria did it herself and gently caressed my cheek after doing so. I closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling she was instilling inside of me.

"How do you do that? How do you know the right things to say or do that can instantly calm me down?" I questioned her, sounding stunned and perplexed even, which made her chuckle.

"Because, that's my superpower, of course," She retorted jokingly, yet I wholeheartedly believe she is right about that, all joking aside.

"You got that right," I affirmed as she moved her hand from my cheek, back to my hand, and held them, intertwining our fingers together.

After Cambria talked and reassured me of my doubts and uncertainties, I felt so much better. I knew that she would do anything in her power, never to let me down and to always take care of me. Everything she does for me shows me just that. She continued to hold my hand while singing along to her random ass music. I enjoyed gazing at her while listening to her beautiful voice.

"You're the best, do you know that?" I said while looking her over—her beautiful blonde hair up in a lazy bun, which made her look perfect in my eyes.

"Oh, believe me... I knew that the moment I made your knees weak," Cambria stated straightforwardly, quickly facing me in order to show me that damn smirk. Oh, really now? She winked before returning her attention to the road.

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