Chapter 28: Date

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As soon as we left the room, you could smell the delicious aroma of breakfast. The immediate smell of bacon filling our noses, making my stomach growl.

"That smells amazing!" I said.

"Your stomach growled, didn't it?" Cambria laughed, and I playfully nudged her and removed my hand from hers for laughing at me.

"I'm sorry," She said and grabbed my hand again, smirking. We walked downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Gooood morning, girls," Blake said, greeting us. I sat down near the counter across from where Clara and Blake were cooking. I felt Cambria wrap her arms around my waist from behind. She rested her head on my shoulder, holding me close. I loved how these small gestures made me feel. Clara turned around to face us. She grinned at the way Cambria was holding me. I love this feeling.

"How did you two sleep?" She asked.

"Wonderfully," We both said simultaneously, causing all four of us to laugh together. After regaining our composure a few minutes later, Cambria lifted her head to my ear and spoke softly.

"I want to take you on a date tonight, babygirl. Will you join me?" The way she whispered that... it was seductive, and now my face is hot.

"I will always go with you," I answered.

"I can't wait," She said happily and kissed my cheek. She let me go in order to join her parents in the kitchen. I noticed all of them nod at one point. I assumed she let them know that I would go on a date with her.

"Mia, honey?" Clara called for me.

"Yes?" I answered.

"Cambria has a few errands to run after breakfast. Would you like to stay here with Blake and me? We haven't spent time together in a while, and I would like us to do that." She said to me, and I smiled in response.

"Of course, I'd love to," I replied honestly.

"Awesome. I can't wait!" Blake said.

"Me either," I responded.

"Mia, we also wanted to give you this," Clara added, handing me a brand new phone. I looked at her, shocked.

"Oh, wow... I... thank you. I appreciate you going out of our way and spending the extra money to get my phone replaced. You didn't have to do that." I replied. I looked over at Cambria for a brief moment, and she was smiling.

"Of course, we did. You are a part of our family, and you need it. We would also feel safer knowing we can get in contact with you too, ya' know?" Blake said as I gave both of them a hug before we all sat down to eat.

I happily took a moment to glance over everything on my plate before me. We had lightly golden Belgian waffles with some Nutella on top—a side of strawberries and bananas along with scrambled eggs and a many slices of deliciously crispy bacon. The best part for me was dipping the bacon in the waffles' leftover syrup as I was finishing my meal. Breakfast here is scrumptious, and each food item is always cooked to perfection.

Cambria excused herself when she finished eating so she could get ready for her secret mission. Before she left to shower, she kissed my forehead, making me smile. I blushed when I noticed Blake and Clara watched her do that, smiling themselves. When Cambria came downstairs after her shower twenty minutes later, I was helping her parents clean up. She pulled me aside for a brief moment.

"I'll be back soon. Have a good time, and call me if you need anything. I love you, Mia." She said and hugged me tightly.

"Of course, baby. I love you too. Drive safe. Please pull over if you call or text, okay?" I replied while returning the hug. She nodded in agreement.

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