Chapter 23: Cambria

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*Cambria's POV*

My mind was racing as I ran out of Mia's room and then her house. Holy mother fucking shit! I made it to the sidewalk before I realized I needed to fucking breathe. We kissed! I don't even know how it happened. It just did... Her lips were so soft... so inviting... and dammit to all hell, I kissed back.

As soon as I pulled away from the kiss and got off the bed, I could see the pain, hurt, and fear running through Mia's face. I hate seeing that expression. She's been through so much shit in her life, and now I just added to it. Fuck!

I eventually reached my parent's SUV and drove myself home. I heard my phone's text tone go off, and I ignored it until I parked the car safely. I made my way inside the house, and my mom greeted me, as usual.

"Hello, honey." My mom said.

"Hey," I replied, not looking her way. My mom always knows when something's up. I'm not ready to talk about it... not yet...

"I'm going to bed, goodnight," I added and proceeded upstairs to my room.

I sat on my bed and absentmindedly ran my hands through my hair before covering my face, sighing. I took out my phone to see who texted me. It was Bryce. Fuck, I wish it was Mia...

Bryce: "Give me another chance."

Cambria: "Are you telling me that after I kicked you in the dick when you attempted to touch me forcefully, didn't give you enough of a hint to leave me the fuck alone?"

Bryce: "Oh, come on. You were holding out on me. It's only fair."

Cambria: "Let me make this perfectly clear. Should you message me one more time, look at me again, or talk to either me or Mia; I will get you thrown off the team and bring the authorities in to question you. Now, fuck off!"

I put my phone on the charger, and my mind immediately wandered to Mia. She hasn't messaged me yet... Damn, this is bad. I know her... Shit, I probably know her better than she knows herself. I don't doubt that she thinks this is her fault. She's scared, and I can't blame her either. I don't understand these feelings coursing through me right now... have I always had them? Why did I kiss her like that? God, my head hurts, and I need to figure this out fast...

My weekend was the worst. Mia never texted me, and I never texted her either. She and I talk every day, and this was killing me. I was planning to send her a message, but I ended up passing out. Not only did I have trouble sleeping, but my heart hurt. When Sunday came around, my mom came into my room, telling me that she knew something was up. She said we were going to talk about it when I was ready to do so. My voice wasn't working, so all I could do was nod at her. As soon as I did that, I thought of Mia, and my heart ached. Nodding has always been her thing, and I love when she does it.


I am dreading today. Mia and I have A.P. English in ten minutes, and today will be the first time we will see one another after our kiss. I hope she's okay. I sat down at my desk, and I noticed Mia wasn't here yet. I looked at my phone, and of course, she hasn't texted me either. I know Mia won't text me first... she's waiting on me to be the first to break the ice, especially since I ran away from her... it would only be fair if I did grow a set and message her... but... I don't understand what this means...

The bell suddenly rang, bringing me back from my thoughts, and Mr. Chapel started his lecture. I didn't listen to him; there was no way I could, not yet anyway. Mr. Chapel was interrupted from his lecture when the classroom door opened, and Mia walked in. Her head was down, facing the tile floor, and she sat next to me in her assigned seat. I looked over at her, watching her every move. I have always watched her. I can't help but focus on her, doing my best to see if she is okay. Come on, Cambria! Say something to her; she's your best friend for fucks sake...

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