~{Chapter 16}~

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A month has passed and the new camp ground is doing even better. The wall was finally finished Finn caught two wild boars and a family of deer. His group is in charge of farming and breeding them. Octavia and Lincoln taught people how to fight and how to defend themselves. Clarke is working with Monty in researching different herbs. Bellamy, Shane, and their team are in charge of getting familiar with the new grounds. Lincoln joins them whenever he isn't teaching. Jasper, Raven, and I are in charge of making the camp shelters better. Our crew has been going back to the old camp and harvesting the metal from the drop ship. Bellamy doesn't approve of it, but it's either that or starting from scratch, which will take longer. Winter is rolling in and it's going to rain. A lot.

"Keep a look out," Raven whispered to two people from our group. We were back at the old camp grounds. I was loading up my backpack with wires and leftover tools.
"Jackpot!," Raven held up a bunch of metal rings the size of our palms.
"We need those for the radios." I said as I took a look at them.
Raven looked around, "Well what do you know. A diamond in a pile of ashes," she picked up a transmitter.
I was astonished because transmitters aren't easy to build. Finding one fully intact is beyond amazing. Then I realized, "But the weather isn't going to help at all. The signals are too weak to fight against the current."
"Two transmitters should do."
"But how on earth are we supposed to find-," I looked up and saw Raven hold up another one.
"Oh my god! Where did you find it?"
"It was pokin' out from the glove box. A little mess up, but some reassembling should do it."
The other two people, who were on watch guard, ran in from outside, "Someone's here."
We all grabbed our stuff and our guns, and went out the back. About half a mile we stopped and hid behind trees.
"See anyone?," this girl named Maya whispered. I slowly peeked over the tree trunk and pulled my head back. I nodded and said, "We need a distraction."
I looked over to Raven and saw her pick up a rock. She knew my plan and threw the rock off to the right to lead them that way, but we underestimated their knowledge. They started to go the opposite way the rock was thrown, which was where we were.
"What do we do?!," Maya panicked. I could hear them getting closer. I pushed Maya and I to the other side of tree as they passed. Then I heard gun shots.
It was extremely quiet.
"Sloan!" I heard Bellamy say. We climbed from behind the tree and I made sure everyone was alright.
"Are you okay?," I asked Raven as I helped Shane, the other person in in our group, up. He nodded and looked at Bellamy.
"You guys need more people. It's too dangerous."
"Who else is willing to go out here?" I rhetorically asked. We walked into camp and set our stuff down.
"I just don't want anyone to get hurt. That back there was a close call. Too close."
I cupped his face and said, "Bel, We are okay. We need this stuff. Who else is supposed to get it? Look, we only need about two more trips and then everything is searched through and collected."
He reluctantly agreed, smiled, and went back to work in the main tent. Lately he's been looking out for everyone a lot more carefully.
"He seems to be thinking more relevantly now," Raven gave me a side smirk. I couldn't help but smile. I agreed with Raven. He did change for the better, but there was something off. In a good way.

"Done," I let out a sigh and stretched. I finally disassembled one of the transmitters and reassembled it again. Raven came over to me and sat down in frustration.
"This is probably the most stubborn piece I've worked with. The red wire is fried and I need that to connect it to the receiver. We technically don't need it, but it boosts the frequency."
I thought about it, "Did you try to melt it back together?"
"Tried that."
"How about trimming it?"
"That too."
"Changing the wore completely?"
"And that too," she sighed, "We need a gird leak detector. If there were one here, it'll be a miracle."
She set everything down and put her face in her hands.
"I got it," I all of a sudden said, "The yellow hatch..."
The Yellow Hatch was were Leyla was hiding when I was kidnapped by Grounders. I continued, "There may be something we can substitute. A small generator of some sort."
Raven just paused; she knew what happened in the Yellow Hatch.
"Are you sure you want to go back...?," she softly said. This was our only chance to progress in our work.
"What happened happened. This is more important. I'll be alright. We should probably get some rest. The walk is farther than before."
"You're doing it again," she said as she fiddled with a screw driver.
"What do you mean?"
"When we were kids you never smiled and i'd always had to force you to. Finn and I tried everything to make you at least show some teeth."
I half smiled, "I remember..."
"They would be proud of you, Sloan. You came here by yourself and had a baby with nothing except your wit for crying out loud!," she shook my shoulders to get me out of my seriousness, "You gotta loosen up. It's not good to worry before your big day."
"My big day? Am I getting promoted or what?," I joked.
"Mmm... Somewhat of a promotion," she said. I just gave her a confused look. She answered me by giving me a taunting smile and left the work tent.
"First Leyla, then Octavia and Bellamy, and now Raven? Am I missing something or is something going on that I don't know about?," I thought. I then went over to my tent. On my way there, Bellamy caught up.
"Have you seen Leyla anywhere? I think she gas my stuff."
"Leyla? Your stuff?"
"I went back to my tent, but my things weren't there and other people took over."
"Hm... Leyla wouldn't do- Well speaking of the devil," I said as we entered my tent. Leyla was sitting on the bed with her hand neatly placed in her lap and smiling. Bellamy and I exchanged looks and he said, "Leyla, did you do something with my things?"
I could tell she was lying because she couldn't sit still.
"Is there something we should know about?," I asked and sat down next to her.
"Mmm-mm," she shook her head and giggled. Bellamy tickled her and picked her up like he did when I saw him and Octavia once as a kid. I noticed there was double the stuff in the tent.
"Okay! Okay! Ill tell you!," Leyla squealed. Bellamy gently put her down.
"I brought daddy's stuff in here because I was afraid mommy would get lonely."
"But your mom has you," Bellamy sat down on a trunk.
"I'm going to stay with Auntie Raven and Auntie Octavia."
Bellamy and I knew what was going on so we decided to play along.
"Okay. I'll try not to miss you too much," I kissed her forehead and handed her her jacket. She hugged the both of us and skipped off.
"I didn't know she was assigned to match maker duty," I teased as soon as I saw Leyla walk into Raven's tent. Bellamy scoffed in amazement.
"She really is something."
He started to pack his things as I watched.
"You don't have to leave."
He put his stuff down and looked at me, "You sure you're not secretly plotting something?"
I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck as he put his hands on my waist. We didn't say anything, instead we just looked at each other. He then leaned in to kiss me, but we were broken up by someone frantically running in. We broke apart.
"Bellamy- sorry I didn't mean-," Shane stuttered and blushed, "We need Sloan in the main tent. It's bad."
All three of us ran to out.
"What's going on?," I asked as we entered. My answer was lying on a stretcher. She looked like a Grounder. She was breathing heavily as Clarke and two other girls were rushing to help her. I went to her side and asked Clarke what the situation was.
"She started bleeding from the bottom. We found her lying outside the wall moaning in pain. She's... going into labor."


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