03 - He's in love.

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Aidou Hanabusa

After that night, I never see her again. Not even once.

When Kaname-sama's around, she's not there anymore. She's gone. Just like the wind. I heard she locked herself. I heard she got killed. I heard she's going mad. I heard a lot of things, but none of them I believe.

"Kaname-sama, may I have a minute?" I asked Kaname-sama. He's as cold as in the funeral night... His eyes are dark now and he's emotionless. "I wonder where Resha-sama is. She's no longer around anymore."

Kaname-sama lands his eyes on me for the first time in this year. "She's fine, I'll tell her your greetings, Aidou-kun."

"But, where is she?" I insisted, and suddenly his aura go a little darker, scare me. "Forgive me, Kaname-sama, but..."

He says nothing. Just smiling for politeness and then went home.

Where are you, Resha-sama?

I've been collecting articles about her. Her disappearance. Kaname's alone presence in a party. How the papers said she's killed, assassinated, isolated, caged, or going mad. But she's okay and that's a relief. I will try to come to her house again tomorrow.

It's snowing once again, and the I hope you can forget what happened at winter.

Please be okay, Resha-sama.


Today I went to her house again. I've been going here for a few times just in this year, just for her. She has been gone for three years. Can you imagine? Three years without anything. My only time to meet her is when she's in the soiree, even then we never spoke so much more than a few minutes, but now I never see her again.

Next year I'll be going to the Cross Academy, and I probably won't have that much of time for her. "Uh, Resha-sama, it's me, Hanabusa Aidou. I'm wondering if you're home. I've been looking for you. I know you're there, and you're doing fine. But next year I'm going to an academy and I just want you to wish me a good luck, so... please do have a great year, and merry Christmas." I'm writing her a letter.

I stood still, waiting and knock her house slowly. The maid came out. "Yes?"

"I'd like to see Resha-sama."

The maid hurriedly close the door, as if she's afraid or avoiding me. "She's not home, I'm sorry."

Again. "Then, could you please give this letter to her?"

The maid nodded. "Goodnight."

I couldn't sleep. Of course, she won't reply my letter, but the thoughts about her reading it making me feel anxious and embarrassed in a matter of second. It has been years. And what I feel about her doesn't change at all. That amaze me, whether what I'm feeling just by a sense of protector to his Lady or just a simple likeness, I can't stop thinking about her.

Falling in love with a pureblood? Is that even possible?


First day in Cross Academy went a little tiring, after the introductions, and questionnaires, I'm walking through the stairs with a the crowds when I see a pretty little human girl, looking at the crowds, especially me. Human? What is she doing here?

"What is a human doing here?" Ruka asks.

"Don't know but she's definitely looking at me." She bow down in embarrassment. My cheek turns red.

"Whatever. Kaname-sama will absolutely get mad if he finds out there's a little human here," Ruka comments again. "I don't want anything to destroy my beautiful night with Kaname-sama here."

I'm walking carelessly. "Yeah, let's just do peace, alright, Ruka?"

"You can't find peace if Lady Resha doesn't reply your letter, right, Aidou?" She tease me. Heck, she's annoying.

"Oi! Wha-what are you talking about?!" I mumble, also in embarrassment as Ruka keeps talking about my obsession with her.

But it's true, anyway.


Kaname-sama told us earlier we'll be moving to the new dorm, the moon dorm. It's what separate us from the day class. It's actually a little boring here, but it doesn't actually matter. A noble's live purpose is to protect its leader, so a lot of us went here because of Kaname-sama.

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