02 - He's Intimidated.

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Aido Hanabusa.

I never got the chance to talk with her or Kaname-sama privately anymore. As they grew older, I grew too. And we grew apart. I saw them a lot in parties, but we didn't talk anymore. Just a proper hello and how we are doing. They seem really busy, of course because they will take the Valentine's and Kuran's crowns. Both are the only heir of their family.

They are destinied to marry each other. Everybody knows that. Since they're little, their parents are some kind of best friends, and it's not weird to have a little children destinied to get married with each other in a young age. Kaname-sama and Resha-sama are always together. Always. They're always in the same event together, same meetings, etc. I used to call the place next to her the 'holy shrine', because it seems so special and just for some chosen people.

"Beautiful, aren't they?" Ruka looks at them both standing in the ballroom, from the upper floor. At Resha-sama and Kaname-sama.

"They are."

And she's right. Resha-sama looks absolutely stunning in her white dress. Her hair is wavy now, and her eyes looks more like a dark violet than a grey. We're both twelve years old now, and she's more beautiful than girls in my age or older, but beautiful without leaving her innocent kind of face. I don't know why, but no matter how plain her dresses are, it won't decrease her beauty. Now I know why, because in her, her dress are invisible. It won't matter anymore. In her, her dress won't be noticeable. Her charm will always be stood up against her attire.

"They will make a beautiful couple," Ruka said. Her cheeks went red when Akatsuki tease her about Kaname-sama.

Resha suddenly looking up, and found my eyes. She smiles, waving slowly. I smiles too, surprised that she's waving at me. But before she could see me, another person came up to her.

Clenching my wave into a fist, I'm staring at her back head. I guess it's better. Resha is happy and that's what really matters. She doesn't have to be mine. She's not mine from the first place.

Yeah. I'll be sitting here and collecting articles about her. Like I'm usually do.

Then, the storm comes one year later.

In the middle of the night, my dad left in a hurry. Almost crying. Almost. His furrowing eyebrows are sad, and he said in a crooked voice, "we lost the Valentines and Kurans. Both of the families are dead."

I beg him to let me come, but he won't allow me because the view isn't suitable for children. They're dead. In the same night. Strange coincidences.

That night, I can't sleep until my father come home, and I run as fast as I can when I heard his car back to my house.

"What about Resha-sama and Kaname-sama?"

"They survived, but their parents did not."

In the funeral night, I stand in the upper floor in my usual spot with Ruka and Akatsuki. Looking for her, but realizing she's not here. The God duo is not here. Understandable.

"She's probably late. I'm sorry for her and him," Ruka said, standing beside me with sad and swollen eyes.

"I wonder how that could happen, thought." Akatsuki shrugs, leaning onto the pillar.

"Yeah, I wonder too."

Then the doors open and they stepped in, with their black suit and dress. This is also the first time I see her in black. She always wore light coloured dresses, I guess because of her feminine taste and I never did complain because she looked beautiful in all of them, but now I see her in black, I realized that I haven't see completely her true beauty. Resha's dress is short to her knees, along with a short black heels with a bow. The dress makes her even paler, and stood up in this big hall room like a rose among lillies. A prove that you're special.

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