44 - The other Kuran

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Aido Hanabusa.

She's gone. Resha wasn't in the café, dorms, or the academy. She disappeared into the thin air, leaving me clueless and worried. I reported the matter to Kaname-sama panickly, but he just smiled coldly that Resha is absolutely safe. I suddenly remembered the childhood time when I used to ask where Resha-sama is at the time she was hidden and Kaname-sama answered me with the same exact answer, so my conclusion is that he knew exactly where she is.

I looked for her everywhere, but find nothing. Even her aura disappeared, and Kaname-sama told me to guard the Day Class Dorm with Akatsuki as if he didn't care about Resha at all.

"The sky... It looks like it's going to snow." Akatsuki look up, his breath letting out a cold air. "I'm kind of surprised you acted nicely, and played Dorm Leader's Lover Game... Ruka stayed and refused to come out of the room because of that." I can hear his little sigh, desperate about her.

I look down, frowning and offended a little. "Akatsuki, it is not a game. You too, should've known about Kaname-sama's deep attachment."

After a while, he answer me confidently. "I'm sorry, but to me it's just a little game." My cousin doesn't mind it at all. "How should I say it, he seems to be cautiously protecting something important from breaking, and he is making us protect it also."

"What is he trying to protect from? Akatsuki... What do you think Kaname-sama is waiting for? He didn't prepare all of these just for nothing."

Akatsuki looks at me. "If it's something he protects, it's the Queen. She's the most precious of us..." And he's staring. "Where is she? I thought she's with Dorm Leader the whole time."

"No, there's something else..." I refuse to answer his question, more like because I don't know how to. Even thought I'm her lover already, I'm nothing more than a stranger. "She's nowhere to be found... I have the feeling Kaname-sama hid her himself."

When Akatsuki about to answer, we hear a loud cracks voice from the roof, where Kaname-sama and Seiren meant to be.

"Something is going on there." My cousin look up, I look up to, only to find nothing but silence.

"Something is about to happen, to all of us," I mumble to myself, remembering her words earlier. Trying to find some clue behind her smile. And, wherever she might be, right now, I hope she is safe. I want to believe Kaname-sama will keep her safe.


"I don't understand Kaname-sama... He was always with Resha, from they were little, but now he's with Yuuki Cross... I was really surprised when he told me to guard her instead of Resha." My eyebrows frowning, looking at Akatsuki's eyes when I caught him. "What is it?"

"No..." Silence. "I guess, nobody understands Dorm Leader." It's true. One second you see him and Resha together, as if separation means the end of the world for them, the next minute Kaname-sama confessed his love to Yuuki.

"Even Resha, I think... No, I guess she understands everything the whole time, but..."

"You never call her with her name until now." Akatsuki looking at me, cutting my words. "Now she's Resha for you, isn't it?"

Embarassed, I cough a little. Akatsuki realized it already, when I don't have any idea how to tell him. "She told me to. You know I can't say no to her."

"I can see you're getting close with her." He's still apathetically looking at me with a hint of suspicion.

Shrugs. "I don't think so."

"Hanabusa, you understand it already, aren't you?" I'm looking at him. "She's belong to someone else since the very beginning. Even if they didn't say it, but the look in their eyes tells us they belong to each other."

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