22 - Asato Ichijo.

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Aido Hanabusa

I was waiting downstairs, waiting for Resha-sama, Kaname-sama and Ichiou. Even though there's class, everyone in the Night Class skipped. Ichijou-sama is standing at the foot of the stairs, worried but looking put together and calm.

"Hmph," Ruka said arrogantly. "Even you guys are here, I understand why Ichijo are here, they grew up in the senate. But do you guys really that afraid with him?" She's looking at everyone, oblivious.

Akatsuki looking at her. "Of course, he's a monster who've been alive twelve times longer than we already have. That's why everyone cut classes, right?"

"He admits it..." Rima looking down, indifferent. Even her who barely show any interest with anything is here.

"I'm afraid too, but who's more scary, him, Resha-sama or Kaname-sama, the highest Purebloods?"

Heh. "You don't even need to ask," I answered. "Of course it's both of—"

"Kaname!" Ichijou-sama ran up the stairs to meet Kaname-sama halfway. "It's alright, you don't need to be here. He's probably coming just to lecture me." Ichijou-sama is panicked, he doesn't want to trouble Kaname-sama at all. "Resha is also not here, so you don't have to..."

Kaname-sama is smiling a little, understand the reason. "I want to say hello to Ichiou since I haven't seen him for so long," he said. "May I?"

"O–of course you may..." Ichijou-sama gave up. "Well, at least Resha won't be here. His visit won't be long, you really don't have to come."

So Resha-sama won't be here, understanable since she's locking herself from people outside. She haven't been out for a day.

Kaname-sama is the only one who's standing straight up without fear, because he and everyone here knows he will do something before Ichio can even hurt him. Resha-sama have one of the strongest pureblood to protect her is beyond imagination.

And the door opens.

"Well, well," Ichio said. "I deeply appreciate you all for coming and greet me, but I only come to visit my darling grandson." He smirks, as if that is the only smile he ever have these past decade.

"Ichio," Kaname-sama called. "I'm glad you seem to be in an excellent health."

He fixed his eyes at Kaname-sama, "we haven't seen each other since you refuse me to be your legal guardian."

"I don't want to be coddled." He's smiling, trying to refuse politely.

"Kaname, not here." Ichijou whispered.

"You're right..."

Ichio scan the people around the room. "I'm eager to meet Resha-sama, the Lady of the Vampires... Where is her presence if I may ask, Kaname-sama?"

Kaname-sama smiled lightly. "She was tired because of the reports papers she had earlier... I'll inform her that you're visiting when she's awake."

You will not meet her! I won't let you touch her! Seems like he is also protecting her. Who knows what this old bastard wants from her?

He nodded and kneel down, taking Kaname-sama's hand. "Lord Kaname, Purebloods are different from Aristocrats, even if you're covered in blood, nothing can defile you. You're a flower that smell lusciously sweet for eternity." He kissed Kaname-sama's hand. "I pray that someday I will be able to receive the benefits of your unrivalled blood—"

I gasped in shock. Moving in my Vampire speed and taking Ichio's hand from Kaname-sama. Ruka holding off Kaname-sama's hand away from Ichiou.

"Lord Kaname!" She cried. "I'm sorry Lord Kaname, but..."

"You jest too much," I warned him, holding his hand without fear. Not realizing how powerful he actually is.

He's glaring at me. "The Daughter of Souen and The Son of Aido..."

"Stop it, Ruka." Akatsuki pulls Ruka back, as she's frozen in fear. "Let go."

"Aido," Ichijou-sama says, putting his hand on my shoulder.

I'm glaring at him. "You say that, knowing that asking a Pureblood for his blood is the greatest taboo among Vampires!" He's glaring at my eyes. "I'm not—" even though I'm trying to look as calm as possible, I still appear scared. Was he this scary before?

"Aido, enough." A soft sweet voice stops me.

Resha comes down from upstairs slightly, wearing her signature; cream dress, looking at us coldly, her atmosphere is rather cold, and her eyes are provocatively dark. I let go of his hand quickly. She's looking scary yet beautiful. The way she walked towards us is nothing but elegance. Her presence add up to the already suffocating aura in the room, but her face alone looks indifferent.

Ichio is looking at her. "So all that rumors are true, that you came back from your hiding, Lady Resha?" He asked as she's walking towards us.

"It has been a while, Ichio." Her smile is very formal and business-like. "It's very nice to see you here and healthy."

"The last time we saw each other was when you accompanied your dear father to the senate..." Ichio kneel down, taking her hand.

I step forward again immediately. "Resha-sama, don't–"

Suddenly, Kaname-sama slap my cheek hard and in light speed. He's emotionless, but I know he's looking at Resha too intensely. "I haven't taught him enough manners," I step back and kneel down, but my eyes looking at her. She catch everyone's attentions in a second.

"Yes, it was. We are very sorry for the inconvenience here." Resha-sama smiles lightly.

"You smell even more sweeter than you used to, Lady Resha... With you two here, I'm glad keeping my grandson in this Academy, My Lord, My Lady..." He kisses her hand, I hold the urge to takes his hand like before. The burning pain in my cheek reminding me of the punishment.

Resha-sama nodded, pulling her hand from him slowly.

"Everyone, please return to your rooms," Ichijo says. "My grandfather and I have much to discuss. Thank you for your participation." I walked to my room with red swollen cheek, and looking at Resha-sama who's still indifferent. Kaname-sama also went directly to his room without saying anything.

"Next time, Aido, don't do that." Her tone is very much flat, but still elegant.


"Enough!" She raises her hand, the windows cracking, the paintings are broken, the wall behind me cracks, and all the doors suddenly closes, leaving everyone gasping in shock and fear, her fearful presence suddenly fills up the room and it's very pressuring. "You—" Resha-sama closes his eyes in frustration. "Promise you won't do it again. You will never do that again."

"Yes, I understand."

She's raised her fingers, and the walls, vases, windows suddenly went back to normal, then she walked back to her room.

Everyone's looking at me.

"I envy you," Ruka said. "Your talent is that you angered two purebloods and one ancient vampire in less than an hour. What achievement." She left me while smirking.

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