04 - She's every inch of perfection.

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Aido Hanabusa

Months went by, as the years went by. The Fuuka tragedy happened. I'm trying to forget everything, but I guess she doesn't want me to. So I'm just remembering her, not actually remembering, but more of a doesn't want to think too much of it. Carry on with the life I have now, I suppose.

There's still no response from Resha. The perfects already guarding the dorm at this hour. So many things passed quickly, sometimes I didn't notice it because it was too damn fast.

I asked Kaname-sama a few times about her. Where is she, how is she doing and things... But he keeps it as a secret. But letting me know there will be times when I will understand what is happening and it's not good to know what I don't need to know. I assumed she's dead. Murdered. Is it actually possible for someone to murder someone that powerful? It is, since both purebloodes families were...

I'm just hopeless. Losing hope in her. It's been a while since I actually think about her again. I didn't think about her that often anymore, or in fact, not anymore for this month. My priority is now Kaname-sama. Because he's the only pureblood in this school. He's solely the reason why we all in here, to be with him, our Leader.

Right at this time, we're studying in class, this time it's a serious discussion. And we're actually learning. I'm glancing at the book blankly as the teacher explains, and I noticed Kaname-sama isn't here anymore. He's skipping class. Again. This week he frequently skipped classes, maybe something important had happened or prepared by him. Or maybe he's just lazy.

And the door opens, revealing Kaname-sama. Whispering something with the teacher, and he bows down very quickly to my Lord, walking to the corner.

"We have a new student that will join us, everyone." He doesn't smile at all, being perfectly serious. "Please take a good care of her."—he shakes his head—"in fact, all of you will have to take a good care of her." He emphasized the subject very firmly.

A new student? In this year? Who is she? Or he? I'm looking at Kaname-sama, he's smiling politely at the door, waiting for the guest. I can also see that he's also very eager to see this new student. He never did this to a new student. Never.

The new student comes inside with her long crimson red robe, looking like a witch. The Vanilla scent fills the classroom in a second she took a step inside, and her powerful aura shiver me to the core along with the scent, sending me goosebumps all over my skin. Rather than a noble, she is—

"I'm sure all of you may have heard her name once or twice."

Wait a second...

"She's very well known, actually."

Could it be? That posture, that height... familiar silhouette...

I couldn't see her face because it was dark, covered by her robe's shadow. Looking confused as everyone else in this room, wondering who she is. She's opening her robe slowly with her pale hands.

"Her name is Resha Valentine. I'm sure all of you have heard her name at least once."

Her hair is deep black, and wavy. Her skin white and pale like porcelain, just like the first time I met her. Her eyes looked grey with a shades of deep purple, her lips is pinkish red, and she's beautiful. The most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Everyone gasped in shock, realizing their Lady is here. Back to the city.

Resha's smiling a little. "I'm Resha Valentine, nice to meet you."

Everyone jumped out from their seats and get down on their knees automatically at the same time including me in response of her presence. My hearbeat doesn't have any exact rythm anymore. She's alive... She's alive... She's here and she's alive...

"Thank you, please take a good care of me." Her voice sounds amazing. God. Has it always been this amazing? I couldn't get enough.

After her introduction, I can't keep my eyes of her. I'm looking straightly at her. Looking at her lips while she's whispering and smiling with Kaname-sama, looking at her focused eyes while she analyze what the teacher wrote on the board, looking at her long manicured fingers while she's writing.

I'm a freak, I know.

She doesn't look like she mind it. You know, my stare. Or even realized it. She's way too absorbed with the subject.

"You going to rip your eyes now, bro?" Akatsuki whispered, eyes on me.

"Shut up."

I don't know how much I'm missing looking at someone this detailed. Basically because nobody is as perfect as her. Nobody is worth that much like her.

Every inch of perfection, from the strands of her hair, and the nails of her toe.


After class, I walked quickly. Wanting to ask her something, but something in her aura tells me I shouldn't. I shouldn't ask or know that. Her intimidating aura is so strong it made me weak.

She's looking at me for the first time in this night with her big eyes. "Aidou-kun?" Resha smiling. "It's been a long time, isn't it?"

I nod in excitement. "Y-yes, Resha-sama. It has been a long time."

"Let's talk sometime later, I'm a little tired right now."

Nodding again. She's smiling, waving her hands, and walking beside Kaname with their hands on each other as if that's the most natural thing she ever done.

And I'm walking in silence behind them. Resha-sama isn't actually that tall, but she has this perfect figure. She's more of a petite, but still quite tall for her age. Probably in the same height with Ruka?

What? Now I'm analyzing her body too? You're such a disgrace, Aido. You shouldn't dare. I want to slap myself so hard. My cheeks redden in response of my almost pervert thoughts.

"Stop looking at her or you're going to make Kaname-sama mad again," Akatsuki warn me for the second time tonight.

I know, I know. But tell me now, how can I blink away from her perfection? You don't feel what I feel, Akatsuki.


In the night, I couldn't sleep. Realizing I'm in the same roof with her, and she could be anywhere in this dorm. I can't sleep, even when the sun has rises.

I'm thinking about what she's currently doing. Is she currently decorating her room? No, she has her own maids for that. Is she drinking tea? Reading? Writing? Brushing her smooth shiny hair? Manicuring her perfect nails? Apply lotion on her beautiful skin? Everything about her always makes me curious and excited.

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