36 - The Valentine and Kuran.

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Warning: long chapter!

Resha Valentine.

I walked out in my coat and my dress with the rest of the Night Class behind me following without Kaname anywhere, I actually leaving him behind. After what I saw, he didn't expect me to be all lovely-dovey, right?

Aido is looking at me, nervous and blushing, I can't help but blush crazily too. He's approaching me as I smile a little, anxious about how should I act about yesterday. Is 'hi' okay? Do I have to say anything else? God—it's just Aido! We continually to look at each other with anxiousness aura surrounding us along with our blush. "Uhm, Good morning, Aido. Thank you for having me spend the break in your mansion." It's even harder to speak in front of him normally.

"No, no! It's my pleasure to have you." He waves his hand panickly and bowing down even more after a while. "If there's anything that's not suitable for your taste or anything you want then you can tell me."

"And for last night... I'm really... Sorry... It was... Um..."

Aido turn away from me immediately, and close his mouth with his delicate fingers. I can see his jawline and neck from this, also his veins which made me gulped a little, somehow the embarassed and shy Aido really lovely to be looked at. "It's okay... Don't mean that... I... Uh... Please excuse me!"

He run away right after he said that, leaving me who couldn't say anything.

"Ah, Kaname!" Ichijou shouts, I tensed all of a sudden, hearing his name behind me. "Did you lock the doors?"

"Ichijou... I can do that much by myself..."

I don't feel like seeing him right now, and we're going by trains. I'll take the further seat from him as possible. He's with Yuuki right now as planned. I couldn't stand that, so if he's not going to walk away first, I will.

But I need to say Goodbye to Yuuki and pretend as if I felt nothing, so I walked there. Bow down. "Good morning! Yuuki, have a good holiday." I can see my fake smile already, the one I always give for politeness.

Yuuki bow nervously. "I will, you too." She's probably feeling not good ever since I found her with Kaname at the ball in a romatic-erotic position. "Eh, Resha-senpai..."

"Yes?" Waiting for her to confess or say anything related to that night. Will she ask if I was jealous? What will she say?

She's hesitated, but then smiles again, wave her hand. "Um... No, I'll talk about it later..."

I guess if I insist her to fulfill my curiousity about her question then I'll be childish enough, so I nod and walk to the people who are waiting. This time, we're going by train, not by car... I'm curious to death what it feels like... No one ever allowed me to go by train, even thought it's not exactly a trip because it's the first class, we almost have the whole cabin for our group, there's also maids and bodyguards here.

In the train, we sit and face each other. There's three seat left, so Ichijou take the middle one. I'm the left, Kaname is the right one. I don't turn around, pretending he doesn't exist as I'm reading a book. My elbow rest on the arm seat casually while I lean my head on Ichijou's shoulder.

"Uh, I feel bad sitting in the middle... Do you want to switch here, Resha?" Ichijou asks, and I could feel other people's eyes looking at me and Kaname. They knew something must be wrong since me and Kaname is inseparable like a magnet, but they couldn't do anything except guessing.

I shakes my head, "if you're troubled, then I'll step out of the train for you and go by car, Ichijo."

He nodded, feeling nervous, scared and feeling all these dark auras surrounding him from Kaname and I. "No... I'm not troubled."

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