39 - She's broken hearted.

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Resha Valentine.

When I arrived here, there's no one inside the gate except Zero, he look bored, and looking at me, hands in his pocket while wind hit us right on the face.

"So? How was your holiday?" I asked, smiling at him.

He looked straight into my face, but suddenly turn away and I catch a glimpse of nervousness from him. "...good."

Noticing something was wrong, I creased my eyebrows at him who doesn't dare to look me in the eye. "Explain good! You usually said nothing with flat eyes when I asked you about your holiday, Zero."


"You did something with her, didn't you?" Zero doesn't gave me any answer, but he refused to face my eyes so I chuckled in victory. "Damn, I didn't know you're that kind of man, Zero. Took advantages from—"

"Talk all the talk, I didn't say anything," he answered, a smirk on his face. "I'm still very far from you and Kuran-senpai... Intimacy. Or should I say.... Aido-senpai?"

That's it. That's my cue to leave. "I'm just going to pretend you didn't say anything." In fact, I'm turning into crimson red—and he laughed lightly. "Don't laugh at me!"

"Resha Valentine is a player, who knew, right?" Zero teased me again and I glared at him, punching his broad shoulder.

"Whoa! I didn't say anything offensive, you know? All I'm saying here is just don't take advantages from that virgin girl... Poor Yuuki to be with someone as temperamental as Zero..."

Zero didn't say anything but when I glanced I could see he blushed a little, which caused me to giggle all the way back. I'm evil, I know.

Where is everyone? The lobby is cold, also untouched and clean, as if there's no one here except zombies.

Sitting on the couch because feeling too tired and too lazy to go to my room after a long trip, I just turned my head to the stairs after a few minutes when suddenly Kaname comes down with his wet hair and eyes looking at me. "I've been waiting for you," he says with a smile and towel around his neck.

I smile as good as I managed to. "I'm back."

"Welcome home." Kaname offer me his hand, and I take it in no time, it's cold because he just had a shower. He also take the coat I wore, leading me to his room. "Where have you been?" Now his voice sounded a little worried.

"I was from the Valentine's Manor... You waited for me?"

He throw my coat to the couch. "Of course I was, you didn't tell me where you were, and killed my manifestation without any mercy on the way there, so..."

"...so you're mad?" I whispered.

"Mad," he says, frowning as if testing the word. His index finger rubbing his chin smoothly. "No, just worried."

"You're so over protective. Grow up, I'm no longer a kid." Stubbornly, I cross my hands on my chest and sit on the sofa.

"Maybe I wouldn't be, if you, at least, tell me, where you were. And to answer your useless defense—you're still a kid to me, same as a baby."

I can't believe this. "Said someone who couldn't sleep on his own and eat ice cream in large scale."

Kaname smiles, find my words amusing. "That was when I was a kid."

"Mentally, I'm still more of an adult than you."

Suddenly, he opened his eyes wide and stare at me in surprised expression. "Wait here," Kaname said and went out of the room.

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