20 - "I don't understand you."

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Resha Valentine

I can feel myself is almost fully awake. The sun is almost up, and I can hear Kaname flipping a paper, still working. Looking at him, I wonder how can someone work so much, even after school hours. This kind of thing make me feel guilty because I can't help him, and he didn't allow me to do anything.

When I'm going to open my eyes, Kaname sighed, and throw the paper to the coffee table. I can feel his eyes burning on me, wondering if I'm still sleeping or not.

Kaname walks to me and pull my blanket to my shoulder, caressing my cheek slowly, mumbling something that's too little to hear.

I can only understand one word. "Why?" he says again as I slowly feel myself drift to sleep again because we were up all night talking, but feeling his weight on the bed as he very, very slowly going inside the blanket, afraid to wake me up. His eyes on me, and taking my hand, kissing it. "I don't understand you," Kaname whisper.

You don't have to.


This night, in class, I sit next to the window, wondering what Kaname has said. What did he mean? Was it something I did? What did I do? Was he so mad that I drank Aido's blood and not his? That is too ridiculous to be true. He knows my feelings.

Everyone's looking at him walking into the classroom with no fear and such attitude, books in his hand. Setting them on the desk, he introduce himself unwillingly. "I'm Toga Yagari. I will be your temporary lecturer for this Ethics class. Nice to meet you, Vampires."

So he's one who shot me. A little angry, I looked at him as Kaname glance at me for a second, wondering if I'm traumatized and such. Without any realization, the window near me cracks a little caused by my anger.

"Resha?" Ichijou ask, responding to the sudden change of my auta with a slight smile. "Are you okay?"

"Yagari? He has the same name as the man who's a number one Vampire Hunter right now...," Rima mumble.

"So it was your shot at that night?" Aidou gasps, glaring at him, ready to avenge me.

"Relax, today I'm an official teacher with a teaching certificate."

"I heard that you were someplace far away, but you've returned?" Kaname said, Yagari looking at him. "You've come back to check out the Night Class? Or perhaps, there's a Vampire among us who you want to kill, teacher?" Kaname doesn't take his eyes off from his book, doesn't look interested at all.

"Ah, hello, Kaname Kuran and Resha Valentine. Unfortunately, my execution list is empty right now. If you fall asleep because my lecture is boring, I can add you to the list, you know?" Yagari raises an eyebrow, grinning.

Kaname let out a formal smile. "Thank you for the warning, teacher. We'll be careful."

"Is your shoulder okay, Pureblood? I kinda regret that I missed the—" he stop talking as the board behind him shaped into a cicrling sharp shape. I don't like this guy. But I need to control my power before I can do anything worse.

There's a sudden silence in this class caused by me, and Kaname take my hand. "If you'll excuse us." Me and Kaname goes out of the class, followed by everyone's gaze and questions.

We smell a faint scent of blood, so faint until we won't notice it if we're not focused enough. "Ugh..." Kaname looks at me.

"She's giving it again, isn't she?" I'm reading my book. "What to do," I shakes my head.

"Kaname, Resha, class is starting. You two aren't coming back?" Ichijou asked, peeking from the door.

"I'm not interested in that old man's macroeconomics," Kaname says simply, disinterested.

"Especially when that guy shot my shoulder. I'll pass, Ichijou, not interested at all."

Ichijou laughed. "So he was the one who..." The painting near him suddenly torned, a deep hole is inside it, just like before. I'm turning my head to Kaname who's staring at Ichijou's eyes intensely as he's holding his breath, surprised and looking at the holed up wall. "It went through the wall!"

Kaname stare at me, caressing my healed shoulder warmly. I guess he still blame himself in some way.

"By the way, Yuuki went off in hurry somewhere. Is something bothering her?"

Suddenly I remember something I need to do, so I walked out from them. "I'll be going to the dorm first, see you later, Kaname."


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