(Christmas) 4 Times Loki gave something and 1 time she got something

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Part one! I'll try to get one chapter out each week leading up to Christmas.


Despite the undeniable fact that Tony was a social butterfly, he would often shut himself in when dealing with problems. Hide away and build up walls. This was something Loki did as well, so she spotted it easily.

Even when she wishes to be alone, a little company can go a long way. The both of them often found this in Peter, but she was aware that he wouldn't always be there for either of them. While she could escape in her books or meditation, Tony was more of a workaholic, which isn't healthy for anyone.

Taking these facts into account, she decided to get Tony something that could keep him company. A Guldsuil. Translated from the language of the realm it comes from, it means"Golden Soul." It's a small spirit similar to a flame. It is known to be loyal and friendly.

It does not need to be cared for, as it will be off on its own most of the time, but it will most likely appear when it feels negative emotions from its 'master'. A little companion for lonely or sad times.

She wrapped a small, empty box in a plain red wrapping paper, and topped it with a complicated bow laced with the summoning magic for the flame-like creatures. Technically speaking, the gift was in the bow.

When Christmas came and Tony pulled on the lace to undo said bow, the box around it erupted into flames. There was a spike of panic throughout the room before the flames quickly simmered down, leaving a pile of ash behind.

On top was a small flame. Only this flame had eyes, and a body.

"Uh... Hey little guy," Tony said, hesitantly. The creature met his eyes and launched itself towards him. It embraced his cheek, snuggling up to him. Tony flinched, but it didn't burn. Instead it was a comforting warm feeling, like a blanket you just got out of the dryer. The creature eventually let go, then flew around him, landing in his open palms.

"A little someone to keep you company when you're working," Loki explained. "You need not care for it, and it will appear when you want it to."

"Thanks, Frosty." Tony brought the creature closer to his face to look at it closer. The flame gazed up at him with wonder and kind eyes.

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