Chapter 1; Stalker Ex

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"A fragile heart, a shattered past and a lot of scars is what you left me with" by Ndalle Joy

Isn't it funny how movie stars get paid while they do their job, whereas we don't get paid while we sit down to watch their movies, stalk their Facebook and Instagram accounts, as well as fantasizing how it would feel to end up with that hot male lead.

I silently laughed.

It was one of those very rare days in the hospital today.

It was a Friday in the heart of June here in New York. It was about 2:33pm and the hospital was swamped.

The scorching sun and tremendous high temperatures in this hustling and bustling city didn't seem to stop the fans, reporters, excited patients and even some nurses and doctors from jumping around the place because a movie star just put to birth.

Those things didn't stop me either, the hospital was my safe haven, a distraction if you may and the rush couldn't take that away.

I struggled to get to the 12th floor which hosted the VIP section.

The elevators were crowded on a day like this and security was at it's maximum.

I arrived the 12th floor looking like I'd run a marathon which, I mentally did.

I have no idea how celebrities deal with paparazzi. It's extremely tiring.

Don't get me wrong, I'm physically fit for a 24 year old but something's just never cease to overwhelm me. Even security seems to be excited.

Once the guard stationed by the elevator confirmed my pass, I made a quick stop for the restroom to clean up my flustered self.

I had to do a last minute check on my patient AKA Jennifer Devin, the famous actress whom many adored.

Getting into the restroom, I was not at all pleased with the sight the mirrors welcomed me with.

My raven black hair stuck to my neck and face due to extreme perspiration.

My pale skin looked even paler and my emerald eyes were wide.

I guess I'm not riding the elevator at all again today.

"Mrs Devin, everything is fine. I'd recommend you drink lots of soup and tea for the blood clots. Besides that, you're fine and so is your baby." I told her once I finished the routine check.

Little baby Devin was beautiful. Blonde hair, big doe blue eyes and those chubby cheeks you'd want to kiss all day long. I could kidnap this baby just so I could kiss her cheeks for years.

Talk about Rapunzel or something. My subconscious noted.

As if sensing my thoughts, one of the bodyguards turned his steely gaze on me.

Ouch! Who pissed in his cereal this morning. The guy looked like he was glaring at me for breathing and thinking.
Note to self; stay away from bodyguard number one.

Who am I kidding, there's definitely no way to differentiate these guys. All 5 of them looked like they walked straight out from the movie 'Men in Black'. Oh well!

"Thank you Dr. Wilson. No need to get all formal. Please call me Jenifer or Jen even." Mrs Devin beamed after taking her eyes off her baby.

To be honest I saw the perfect resemblance between mother and child.

I had a feeling I was looking at little baby Devin in 20 plus years to come just by looking at her mom.

I get why she's famous. Even if her acting did suck - which it didn't - she'd still be famous for her looks. Yay, lucky her.

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