Chapter 42; The Russells.

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"Sometimes, though blood may be thicker than water, water just might be what you need..." by Kendra Wilson.


"So, you're really going to do it?" She asked again.

"Yes, Kenna. I really am."

I went on packing the few items I had into the box I brought in earlier.

"This isn't necessary," she insisted.

"On the contrary, it is."

Having to pack up my stuff made me realize how very little I had personalized my office.

The most personal thing in here was probably Emily's photos.

Once, I had cleared out everything, I turned around to find a defeated Kenna.

"Come on, we both know I need this. I need to work on myself if I want to be better." I told her.

"I do want you to be better Ken, I'm just- I'm scared. What if you find something which destroys you, even more, I'm scared I won't be there to help you..."

We both fell silent.

She had addressed all my fears as well.

All my unspoken fears had just been thrown out by her.

"I don't think you should've resigned from your job Kendra, where would you get money from, what-"

"Hey hey hey, calm down. This was for the best. This hospital doesn't need a dead weight like me." I sighed and went on ahead to carry my stuff to my car, Kenna hot on my trail.

I had handed in my one week notice the day after what had been my last session with Dr. Cheryl.

The board had understood and they let me go with good wishes to treat myself properly.

I had no idea where I was going to begin from, but, as I drove out of the parking lot leaving Kenna behind, I knew I just had to succeed.

With what little savings I had left, I had hired a private investigator.

I had handed over the name of the orphanage my parents had adopted me from, a three-day-old baby.

I hadn't bothered to find out about my parents before, so I knew nothing.

But with what little effort I had put into finding them now, I was learning a lot.

I reached home first and decided to take a shower.

I decided to start on dinner early because I was sure Kenna would join me after she ended her shift.

Halfway through my pasta, a knock sounded on my door.

I quickly wiped my hands and went on to open the door.

"Oh, Mr. Lake, what a surprise." It really was a surprise to see the PI I hired just two days after.

"I'm sorry miss Wilson, but I thought it would be wise to update you with my findings."

Just I was about to reply, my phone pinged with a notification from Kendra.

She wrote to tell me her dad fell ill, so she won't be coming over for dinner.

Yes, Kenna was always treated as an outcast at her home, she was an illegitimate child out of her dad's marriage, yet I knew deep down, she still loved her father though he never stood up for her or showed he cared.

"Sure, why not... come in." I ushered him in.

Once we both got seated, I got straight to the point.

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