Chapter 6; Good night.

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"Her smile can light up my darkest night..." By N. J

I read the letter 4 more times till I couldn't read it again as it was wet with tears and my vision extremely blurry.

I still had not processed this well.

Belinda was gone.

Her baby survived.

She left her baby to me.

It was surreal.

Kenna had rounded her desk and now held me in a comforting embrace. My body shook and my heart was welled with emotion.

She had trusted me with the life of her baby. She had seen me fit enough to be a mother even though I wasn't by her side this past month.

*She's now my baby..." I whispered. I had to be strong. I had someone to care for now. Someone who depended on me. Someone I could love and who could love me in return.

I straightened my posture and wiped my eyes with the back of my hand. Thank God I didn't wear makeup.

"Kenna, what's next? I need an update on her condition." I spoke with utmost dedication

She passed me a smile before going through various files, finding what she needed and opening it.

"First, we need a name- " I cut her off

"Emily Cara Wilson. That's her name." She smiled again.

"Okay, next is her birth certificate. Before passing, Belinda specifically asked for your name to be put in place of the mother's name and her late husband's name in place of the father's name. She reasoned it will justify why you're a single mom and also avoid confusing the baby in future."

"Wow... " I murmured. This is why she asked not to tell the baby about her.

"Child services would be contacting you soon with regards to her guardianship. Now onto more pressing matters," she paused and pressed her lips into a thin line. This was serious.

"Baby Emily was born premature and based on my diagnosis," she inhaled a deep breath before continuing "I'm very sorry Kendra, but Emily has patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) and low blood pressure in other words, hypotension. There's an opening between her aorta and pulmonary artery. This heart defect often closes on it's own but in this case she'll have to live with it. She'll likely suffer from heart murmurs and eventually a heart failure. She also has bronchopulmonary dysplasia, a lung disorder. She may experience pauses in her breathing. So far, we have her LBP under control as well as close supervision while in the NICU. I'm sorry Kendra. "

I sat there wide eyed listening to all what was wrong with my baby. Mine. My baby.
I wasn't going to let Belinda down. I won't.

"Kenna, I won't let my baby die. Give her the best treatment there is. I'll pay for it all." I told her with enough conviction to cure cancer. She smiled.

I'd been standing in the NICU for the past 15 minutes, watching my baby in the glass box with lots of pipes and tubes connected to her.

I couldn't see her eyes but she looked beautiful. She was so tiny and her innocence radiated about her.

This beauty was mine. My own bundle of joy. Child services had made all necessary documents to prove I was her mother in the eyes of the law. She was legally mine.

My parents had been contacted. They'd been sad over the loss of a daughter but elated over the acquisition of a grandchild.

They were currently on their way to New York. My mom had been persistent on helping me through motherhood. I chuckled at the thought. I was now a mother.

I was smiling and in that moment, Emily raised her tiny finger through the little hole in the glass and touched my hand.

It was pure joy to look upon her tiny form. I loved her already, more than I thought was possible.

I was determined to see her make it. As I wrapped my gloved hand around her tiny one, I swore no one would hurt her. She would never want for anything. I'll cherish her with all I have.

From now on, my life will revolve around her only. She was my joy and no one, not even Luke could destroy this. She gave me reason to live. She became my lifeline.

Back to the present.

Emily had been discharged from the hospital on Wednesday and I'd been on leave since she was rushed in.

Her heart condition had gotten worse and now she was extremely fragile.

Kenna and some other specialist had suggested a transplant, but I wasn't sure I wanted my 3 year old daughter going through such an experience.

Both her nannies were currently adjusting the living room. Emily had totally trashed the whole room insisting she was fine and able to play. I smiled. She was strong. Just like her mom. Belinda would be proud.

I made my way towards Emily's room while bidding my staff a good night. Not much had changed. It still looked the same way my mom had decorated it when Emily had just been released from the NICU. It was a tough time for all of us but we conquered.

Liv and Dan had stopped by earlier to check up on Emily and she couldn't stop talking. She was a hyper child.

"Sweetheart, it's time for bed." I told her while entering the room. She was already in her sleeping attire and was playing with some Barbie dolls.

"But mommy, it's only 8," she whined.

"I know," I said while seating by her on the bed, "but mommy has to go to work tomorrow. She needs sleep."

Emily and I sleep together often. Though I have my own room, I basically lived in hers.

"Okay mommy, I'll go to bed only because I love you and I want you to rest." My heart warmed

"Thank you sweetie. I love you too." I hugged her and ruffled her hair enjoying the sound of her giggles.

"I love you more" she said and kissed my cheek, she then struggled to get the covers over both of us with her tiny hands. I laughed at how cute she was being.
She then laid on my chest and wrapped my arm around her little body with a "good night mommy." I smiled.

"Good night my love." We were going to get through this together. I kissed her forehead.

"You're strong my Cara, just like Belinda." I whispered.

Merry Christmas guys... We've reached a 100 reads already... Thank you so so much and don't forget to vote... Double update on the beat... Lol

Love Joy.

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