Chapter 21; Secrets.

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"Secrets always find a way out..." By N. J

"Are you sure he isn't the one? They look exactly the same."

"Mom, for the last time, he isn't the guy you saw on Forbes Magazine. Though that would be great, he hasn't reached there yet." I rolled my eyes and buckled my seatbelt.

Since, Ethan and I arrived at the airport, we had been on the receiving end of my mom's questions.

After the last time my dad left and told her I had a boyfriend, she had called and demanded to speak to him.

They had spoken over the phone several times, now was the first time she got to see him in person and she was convinced he was some guy on Forbes list.

I had been wondering why I never got both of them to FaceTime before?? Stupid!

I agree. Could have saved all our eardrums.

"Sweetheart, you know your mom by now. Give her a break." My dad laughed.

"I know, remember that one time she swore I was a twin whose sister had been stolen at birth, when she saw that girl at the supermarket?"

We all laughed except for Ethan. He was gripping the steering wheel so hard and he seemed to have his mind somewhere else.

"Make fun of me now, but I'm very sure this time." She huffed and adjusted her glasses.

"Sure mom, just like you were every other time." I laughed again, but quickly became worried for Ethan.

"Hey kid, I know you're carrying old folks, but even I drive faster than that. You're going at thirty on a forty road." Dad chuckled while lightly patting Ethan's shoulder from the back.

"Sorry Eric, you can never be too careful..."

Yeah, he had been on first name basis with my dad since mom's second call.

He convinced them he wasn't distracted, but he didn't have me fooled.

Both parents were involved in a conversation in the backseat and I took that as an opportunity to wrap my hand around his unoccupied one.

He glanced at me and gave me a tiny fraction of a smile.

I had no idea what was going on in his mind, he was fine before mom started blowing off her questions and I was a hundred percent sure he wasn't intimidated by my parents although he'd been made aware of my dad's gun.

"Are you okay?" I whispered.

"Yeah, just a work thing." He told me.

I tried, I really tried to understand but I felt like he was lying.


It felt like a thousand ants were slowly moving up my body until they gradually suffocated me.

No! He's not lying. Ethan wouldn't lie to me. I tried to convince myself.

Yeah, he would never lie to me.

I took in a deep breath and focused my attention on the trees and nature.

"So, uhm, home or hospital first?" I asked to break the newly found silence.

"Hospital. I wanna see my baby." Mom clapped her hands causing dad and I to erupt in laughter fits.

"Okay then. But, promise to take it easy on her, you can't surprise her so much that she goes into a cardiac arrest." I twisted my body in my seat so I could have a good look at her.



Ethan managed to park in the furthest spot away from the hospital since he was needed at the office urgently.

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