Chapter 30; I have a Girlfriend.

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"Sometimes, faith is all we need. Even when we aren't a hundred percent sure of the situation, believe it's going to work out for you..." by meeee


I took out the peonies from the car and marched towards the open gate.

Sure, I didn't attend the full fledged funeral, but I had been here every day since that day.

Going to the funeral meant a ruckus and all I wanted was for Emily to rest in peace.

I came here at least four times a week, it really wasn't going to surprise me if I knew the way to her gravestone by heart.

Heck, I could probably make my way there with my eyes closed.

Passing by a familiar grave, the memory of a crying Kendra flashed through my mind.

The day she introduced me to Belinda.

I sighed and walk past her gravestone.

I had nothing against her, I just didn't know what to say.

I didn't even know where Kendra and I stood now, the only thing I knew was the path to where Emily rested.

Once I reached said destination, I shifted the old peonies to the corner and placed the new ones onto her stone.

I removed all the dried leaves around her and wiped away the dust which was beginning to accumulate on her stone.

I sat comfortably on the floor, at this point, I was already used to it.

"Hey sweetheart," I begun, my voice heavy and laced with an unknown emotion.

"I brought your favourite flowers again. I even doubled it this time because I have to apologise." I chuckled.

"Daddy will be leaving the country today. I won't be back until after the new year, so I won't see you for some time. God knows I'll miss you so much."

"My step mom has this stupid Christmas tradition which causes us to spend the holiday in Greece." I added before another memory invaded my mind.

"You know, mommy and I had planned to spend Christmas together this year." I smiled. "With you of course."

"I can still remember that day clearly. She was terribly mad at me for paying your hospital bill and I was really excited to show her your new room. I had personally decorated it and I wanted to see her happy. To see you happy..." I trailed off.

"You never got to see the room though. You would have loved it. You would have loved what I had planned for us this Christmas too, but neither of us got to see it." I paused "I'm sorry Emily."

"I didn't keep my word. I failed both you and your mommy."

"I'm gonna go now."

I stood up feeling lighter than when I came.

I was about to leave before I remembered something else.

"I'm sorry I couldn't grant your Christmas wish love, but I promise, I won't give up on your mommy." I gave her another soft smile and and left for my car.

It's been two weeks since I visited Emily and two weeks of hell living in Greece with my dad and my stepmom.

It couldn't get worse than living in one house with them for the holidays, I thought.

But boy was I wrong.

Today, the day before Christmas eve, my stepmom had to just go ahead and invite a friend because she didn't want me to be lonely.

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