Chapter 46; Not Goodbye.

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"When is it never a goodbye..." by Ndalle Joy.



Seven weeks pregnant.


The words kept resonating in my head.

"Are you okay?" Warren asked as we both settled into his car.

Was I okay?

Well, there were so many ways I could answer that question.

"I'm fine." I told him.

I couldn't believe I had a life growing inside me.

My own baby.

I kept rubbing my still flat tummy.

If my calculations were correct, this baby was formed the day Ethan had used me and in his words, thrown out the trash.

"So, are you planning on telling the boyfriend?" he asked effectively snapping me out of my thoughts.

Now, had I planned on telling Ethan?

Truth is, I don't know.

But I sure as hell knew what this baby meant for me already.

I was already so much in love with him or her.

But, things were different this time.

I knew this baby wasn't all I had now, I still had a family waiting for me at home who would definitely be shocked with the news, as well as Kenna and my dad whom I'm guessing would be ecstatic to have a grandchild, I smiled.

"Well, since you're clearly not going to answer the question, tell me where you live so I can drop you off." He spoke again.

I turned to look at him.

If I had met Warren in that restroom instead of Ethan, would things have been different by now?

They were so similar and yet so different at the same time, excluding the fact that they were rivals, of course.

"Can you please drop me off at the parking lot of the restaurant?" I asked, "I left my mom's car back there. I'll drive myself home."

And immediately I finished uttering the words, he swerved and parked the car by the side of the road before turning to me.

"You're not yet stable enough, you're pregnant, and after insisting you needed to leave the hospital against the doctors' orders, now you want to drive home yourself? How fucked up can one person be?"

I flinched at his tone, "You wouldn't understand." I looked away from him.

"But I do. Any man who willingly lets you go in his right man is definitely not normal Kendra. I understand that your boyfriend hurt you, and God help that human being when I find him, but you have a baby to think of. The way I see you, you'd kill yourself if anything was to happen to this baby."

He had no idea how right he was.

But that was months ago.

Not now.

I wouldn't go back to that Kendra.

"Thank you for the concern Warren. But please just drop me off at the parking lot, I am an independent woman, I can take care of myself."

He didn't how much my dependency had cost me.

He didn't know how much I suffered because I ran away from the responsibility of myself.

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