Chapter 22; Christmas Wishes.

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"If to love was like to wish, then I wish for all your wishes to come true." By N. J

"Emily..." I screamed.

I was in a forest in nothing but pyjamas, walking aimlessly in search of Emily.

"Em..." I shouted.

It was eerily quiet. I stepped on some twigs and kept on marching ahead while shouting her name.

"Cara??" I was now crying. The tears kept rolling down uncontrollably. I couldn't find her.

Then I heard a branch falling and a giggle.

"Mommy..." I heard and the voice seemed to come from ahead.

I started running.

"Cara? Where are you sweetheart?" I shouted to the trees.

She giggled and stepped in front of me.

I stopped abruptly and extended my hands to carry her into my arms and leave this damned place.

But, she dodged my arms and ran further ahead still giggling.

"EMILY CARA WILSON, come back here right this second. It isn't safe..." I shouted to her back while she only giggled.

"For Christ's sake Emily!" I was utterly frustrated.

I ran in the direction she'd headed in.

I ran and came to a halt when I saw her standing by a lake.

"Em..." I whispered cautiously.

She was so damn close to the water, my heart was sprinting in my chest.

"Em, come to mommy..." I tried again.

She turned to face me and she smiled.

I took it as a good sign.

"Yes baby, come back to mommy." I advanced.

"I love you mommy." She said and smiled.

"Mommy loves you too. Come back Cara, I won't be able to live if something happened to you." I took another step forward.

If  I took another three steps, I'd be able to stretch my hand out and grab her. That was the plan.

First step.

Second step.

I was about to take the last step when she stopped me with heart quenching words.

"Goodbye mommy." And she jumped into the lake.


I jumped into the lake too, crying and frantically searching the water for her.

I searched and searched.

She was gone.

"Emily, Em, Cara..." I cried


I felt like drowning, I didn't want to live without my baby.

I tried one last time and shouted her name into the water, into the trees, into the vastness of the forest.


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