Chapter 13; Idina Menzel.

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"I find that, maybe because I'm also a singer, I hear music in characters all the time, even if they don't sing. I hear what affects me in my heart."  By Idina Menzel.


One word, two syllables and seven letters.

One word that currently expresses how I feel at this very moment.

My dad's steely gaze was fixed on Ethan while Emily clung to his left foot.

When he averted his gaze from Ethan, he fixed another on me. This gaze was full of questions. Honestly, I didn't know what the answers to those questions were going to be.

There was a heaviness in the atmosphere around us and I sincerely didn't want to be the one to address the elephant in the room.

Here's what bothered me most,
How was I going to introduce Ethan to my dad.

What do I say? Dad meet Ethan, my boyfriend... Nope... Dad meet Ethan, my friend... That could work.

I had just decided to speak up when Ethan pushed himself infront of me extending a hand in my father's direction.

"Mr Wilson, it's a pleasure to meet you. I didn't plan meeting you like this, but I guess someone up there has other plans. I'm Ethan," he paused and I mentally stopped breathing as he mentioned his next words "Kendra's boyfriend."

Shit! shit! shit!

You're probably wondering what I'm scared of. I know I'm a twenty four year old and I can date anyone I please, but... This was my dad for crying out loud.

After the whole Luke fiasco, he'd been very wary of my guy friends. And now, Ethan just dropped the bomb on him like that...

And he called himself my boyfriend? When did we agree on that??

Ugh! My thoughts are everywhere right now but I just needed to see my dad's face to know what he was thinking.

That also was quite difficult to do. I was currently standing behind a boulder a.k.a Ethan, who towered over me and his wide shoulders stopping any kind of view I could have unless I stepped by his side or infront of him...

"Boyfriend..." I heard my dad taste the word on his tongue.

It didn't help that I had no idea if he'd taken Ethan's extended hand. 

Okay this had to stop. I moved myself between my dad and Ethan expecting to avoid World War III, but shocked, was an understatement of how I felt when my dad grinned and man hugged Ethan.

"Welcome to the family, Ethan." My dad said.

What the fuck happened?

Ethan just warmed his way into my dad's heart without even a sweat.

It's definitely the eyes. It has to be those silver like orbs of his. They could sway you to do whatever he wants.

"Sweetheart, close your mouth, you'll get flies in there." My dad chuckled at me followed by Ethan and even Emily.

"Sorry Mr Wilson, but we had to be somewhere and are already running late, but we could cancel if you'd prefer..."

"What? Don't let me keep you. You all go ahead, I'll make myself comfortable with the help of Grace and Silver... I mean Sylvia."

Aha! I knew it. So it is the eyes. Dad never mixed up the names of Emily's nannies. I mean never. I couldn't let this go..

"Silver huh?" I smirked at him.

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