Chapter 29; Forgive me yet?

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Dedicated to nfrshatkh.

"When we forgive, we don't forget. Well, unless you have amnesia or something..." by meeeeee

I fastened the belt on my coat and walked in shoulders held high.

The building was still the same as I'd imagined, only with the addition of Christmas decorations.

Walking to the elevator, I noticed some people stopped to gossip as I passed by them.

I didn't bother to listen to what they had to say, I had come here for a purpose.

I entered the elevator and pressed the button for the fifth floor where I was to find her.

I had come a long way since Thanksgiving.

It took me three weeks to get myself in order and register for therapy, again.

So far, my therapist and I had met just twice, but it brought me to a decision which led me to this building.


I stepped out of the elevator and made my way to her office.

Based on my calculations, she had her break in the next thirty minutes.

Stepping into her office, I bypassed a little girl and her mom who seemed to have just been in the very room I planned on entering.

As I watched the little girl speak animatedly with her mom, I felt my heart break all over again.

I missed Emily so much. Time didn't lessen the pain at all.

"I'm sorry Miss, you can come back in an hours time." Her secretary told me.

She hadn't seen my face yet, I was still watching the door the little girl just walked through.

"Miss... Miss... I said-" she stopped speaking as I turned around.

"Oh! Dr Wilson, I'm so sorry. I'll let Dr Russell know you're here." She scrambled to get to her phone before I stopped her.

"It's okay. I'll just knock." I told her.

I arrived her door and took a deep breath in before knocking three times.

"Come in." I heard her say.

Her voice sounded so tired it pained me.

I gently opened the door and found her going through a file, which I guessed belonged to the little girl who just walked out.

"Give me a second please." She still didn't raise her head up as she spoke.

I felt my eyes prick with tears as memories of Emily in this same office flooded my mind.

I looked back to her form in her seat and couldn't help the tears as I thought of all the pain I had caused her.

"Okay, all done. You have my- Kendra?!" She definitely wasn't expecting to see me.

"Hey..." I said quietly.

'Hey.' , that is all you have to say to her???!!! My subconscious mocked.

"Kendra, what are you doing here?" She asked with a tired look on her face.

The floodgates opened as I spoke.

"Kenna, I am so sorry, I know it won't change what I did and said but I'm really sorry. Believe me, I was in so much pain I just wanted to die and yet I couldn't. I'm sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry, I am so sorry..."

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