Chapter 7; Coffee Thingy.

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"Why do we fight what the heart wants?" By N. J



"Yes." What? "I mean yes that I said no, not yes to your... uhm... suggestion." I firmly stated.

"Oh really?" He cocked an eyebrow "you eyes say otherwise."

Ugh! This guy can be really infuriating sometimes. I jingled my car keys between my fingers as I tried to think of a way out of this.

"Just say yes and if you're not happy after this I'll leave you alone."

No! I internally screamed. I really did want to go but I didn't need to go... I needed to check on Emily.

But damn, he's so handsome and very persistent.

"I can see the wheels turning in your head. Just think of this as an apology," he smirked "after all, you stood me up without so much as an excuse or an apology." He taunted.

Handsome, persistent and very correct. Three attributes to describe the guy I was currently speaking to...

Ethan Vincent.

He did have a point.

"I'm sorry," I sighed and rubbed my hurting eyes "I'm having some issues I'm dealing with right now and I really just need to go home." I pleaded.

"Two hours. Just give me two hours to help you forget." He coerced while holding his index and middle finger up to indicate the number two. "Please..." He smiled.

And that people, is how you get a girl to agree with you. That smile alone pushed every other reason for resistance to the back of my mind.

"Okay." I said calmly "but only because you have that coffee thingy over my head." I feigned nonchalance whereas my insides were in a turmoil.

"Really?" I nodded "Great. Uhm... Okay... So I'll hop into my car and you'll follow behind me okay?" I nodded again. "Stay behind me at all times."


"Thank you." He smiled that smile again. "For giving me even just a piece of your time. I'll make it worth your while." He sauntered off and got into his car.

His words melted my heart into moosh.... I think it skipped a beat or probably a thousand. Ugh!

I took in a breath and started my car immediately I got in. I watched him make his way out while I trailed behind closely.

This was definitely not how I imagined this day turning out... Let me take you back a bit...

"Emily...?" I screamed as I jumped off the bed and scanned her room carefully.

It wasn't the glaring lights bursting through the windows that woke me up, No! It wasn't the fact that someone had opened the curtains either, No! It was the fact that I'd turned onto my stomach in my sleep when I realized the bed was empty. Yep! Emily wasn't in bed.

A million thoughts ran through my mind. Had she been kidnapped? Ridiculous! Did she have a heart attack? Seriously? Wait! What if she stopped breathing at night and di- Stop right there!

Ugh! I hate my thoughts. Geez, thanks!

Emily is fine. She's okay.

Breathe in breathe out.

As I tried to calm my thoughts, I heard the sound of giggles carefully approaching the room.

I moved behind the door, to avoid being seen when it was opened.

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