Chapter 19; Not Exactly.

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"Evidence always helps back up your point. Never go in, empty handed." We all know that.

After Liv's little stunt, we were kindly escorted out of the mall by security.

She wouldn't shut up about Warren King on the drive back home.

It turns out Warren was indeed the Owner of Royalty Incorporated and the biggest competitor of Veron Enterprises.

I was so sure Ethan was going to freak out when I tell him about my little encounter. From what little I know of the business world, everyone knows everyone, and enemity was common amongst rivals.

Unlike Veron Enterprises which was handed down to Ethan Veron by his father, Royalty Inc. was brought up from the ground by Warren himself.

He had gotten the idea in college and actually acted on it. I couldn't say the same for most college students now though...

Anyway, Warren seemed pretty cool and I could see us being friends if he didn't kindly reject my offer and if his main office wasn't in LA.

"I won't be going inside, Dan just called." Liv told my absent-minded self eventually making me realize we had arrived.

"Thanks a lot Liv. I had fun and got to meet Warren fucking King." I laughed.

"I can't believe you didn't know the guy, I'd recognize that kind of face anywhere on the planet. I have seriously got to get you some magazines."

We both laughed.

I got out and opened the backdoor to get my own shopping bags. I may or may not have got somethings.

"He was so totally into you. Too bad..." She trailed off leaning closer to the steering wheel as though in trance.

"Snap out of it," I leaned in through the window and snapped my fingers in her face.

"Can you blame me? He's a walking bank and it's a plus he's sexy. There's only one guy who is hotter than him, only one Ken. Can you imagine??"

I fixed my elbows on the window to support myself. "No Liv. I can't imagine."

"God, all I need is to meet Ethan Veron now and I can die a happy woman." She raised her hands up in a pathetic attempt to pray.

"You have a boyfriend." I tsked. "Tsk tsk tsk."

"Do you seem him on Forbes Magazines?, has he been ranked sexiest man alive? Is he New York's number one bachelor? Or LA's hottest bachelor? I don't think so."

"Dan is a great guy, and all those stuff you talked about, they're merely ego boots for those shallow guys." I scoffed.

She smirked, "Warren didn't seem to be shallow when you wanted to be friends..."

I glared at her. She did have a point though.

"Whatever. I'm going to go inside now. Try to be nice when you get to Dan okay?" I backed up from the car.

"Believe me, he likes it when I'm a bad girl." She winked.

"Not exactly what I was talking about Liv," I shouted as she drove off.

I gave up and walked inside to find Emily watching TV.

"My baby is awake," I giggled dropping my bags on the floor and showering her face with kisses.

"How do you feel? Tired? Hungry?" I fussed over her while she just laughed.

"I'm fine mommy. Aunt Kenna was here a while ago,"

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