Chapter 17; Pure Bliss.

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"I love these milk cookies, you should try it out. It's really called Pure Bliss." By meee

I was frozen in my spot and probably squeezing the life out of Ethan's arm.

How do you leave from a romantic kiss in one second to a speechless, awkward and spot freezing question you don't have an answer to.

My brain was probably working at a mile per hour to come up with a reasonable response.

But alas! My knight in shining armor, well, in this case, my newly acquired boyfriend in jeans and timberlands, arose to my rescue.

Now, I must comment on how his jeans and tee, though very common and nothing in comparison to armor, made him look as edible as my figuratively non-existent buffet I think I had once.


Okay, sorry, back to the point, I only now realized he was wearing the same outfit he wore when we'd first met at the hospital, specifically, the restroom.

How sweet!

Sweet is how your death is gonna be if you don't respond soon enough.


"Uhm... Baby..." I said disentangling myself from Ethan and stooping to her height.

I gently pushed a stubborn hair behind her ear and continued.

"Actually... Sweetheart... Uh-"

"Of course baby beautiful. I'm your daddy now and for a long time, if your mommy would have me." Ethan said cutting me off at the same time going on one knee to accommodate Emily's height as well as look me in the eye as he uttered those last words.

Is it just me or did that seem like he was trying to tell me something?

"Really? So can I call you daddy now uncle handsome?" She asked, her eyes alight with glee.

"Sure, sweetheart. Call me anything you want. You're my baby now okay?"

We were both taken aback when she launched herself into his arms without warning.

"Thank you daddy. For taking me out..." He smiled and stroke her hair.

"Anything for my baby." He kissed her hair and stood up with her in his arms.

"Why don't you go play with April, baby? She seems nice doesn't she?"

"Yes, and she has cool hair and loves Sophia the first too. I'm gonna tell her I have a daddy now."

Emily left excitedly and we watched her move her tiny feet until they disappeared.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have, it was impulsive of me, I know, but did you see her eyes, I couldn't refuse her. I know I should've asked you first and-"

"What are you talking about?" I interrupted him midway in whatever it was he was saying.

"I'm trying to apologise for acting impulsively. I understand Emily is your daughter and I'm not her dad, and I'm only now realizing I have no idea what happened to her actual dad and I just went ahead to proclaim myself her new dad and that too-"

"Sshh..." I placed a hand over his mouth.

It's not as easy as it sounds though. The guy was really tall, atleast a foot taller than me, so imagine my troubles.

"I'm not upset." I stated after taking off my hand.

He creased his brows and tilted his head to the side as though he was trying to figure me out. Cute.

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