Chapter 36; The Therapist (Part 1)

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"A shout out to anyone whose had to endure a mental breakdown. You are stronger than you think." By N. J

"Let go."


She sighed. "Kendra, you need to let go."

"I'm not following."

She rounded her desk and came over to stand just feet apart from me.

She gently placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Kendra, you need to let go of the hurt. From what I gathered, you became dependent since finding out your biological parents gave you away. You were hurt at the time, which led to you becoming scared. You cling to people because you're scared they're gonna leave you again."

I shrunk into my seat. I felt like a little mouse.

"I don't know how." I finally answered.

Dr. Cheryl gave me one of her motherly smiles and grabbed hold of both my hands.

"We will figure it out together okay. Everyone around will help." She assured me.

"There's also the Ethan problem," I whispered.

"I must say, I don't approve of what you did," I shrunk even further, "but as your therapist, I understand it was a coping mechanism." I eagerly nodded.

"I just- I don't- I didn't mean for it to happen this way. He'll hate me when he knows." I cried.

"From what you've told me about Ethan, I think he'll be angry for some time and then he'll forgive you."

"If the roles were reversed, I would never forgive myself."

"Kendra, you need to have faith, then courage, so you can walk up to him and tell him."

I wiped my tears and chuckled a little.

"Is this still part of the session?"

She joined me to chuckle.

"You're my favourite patient Ken, you should know by now the tendency of you spending more than just a session in this office." She smiled which formed crow feet around her eyes.

Though she was aged she didn't show it one bit. She was a mother of three and a widower.

"So, lunch?" She went back around her desk to get her bag. I stood up.

"Is that professional?" I asked again.

"That just depends on your definition of professional." She winked.

I laughed as she led me out for us to get dinner.


I had been home for over three hours now, just pondering over what Dr. Cheryl had told me.

I was too deep in thought, I didn't hear the door opening and closing.

"You're thinking again," he said and gently placed a kiss on my forehead.

He was dressed in a three piece grey suit, I wasn't stupid to not know it was designer, he held a brief case which he quickly discarded somewhere and he had a glint in his grey eyes.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at work?" I questioned.

He just smiled and sat down next to me on the couch, he then took my legs and placed them on his lap.

"I missed you." Was all he said as he begun massaging my feet.

"Ethan, you're tired. Go get a shower while I prepare dinner okay?"

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