Chapter 44; Warren King.

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"Everything we do has a way of affecting those around us, so make sure you always have at least 13 reasons why." By Ndalle Joy.


"I found my real mom and dad," I repeated.

I looked away from Grace to explain to my mom and dad.

"My mom is dead, died a day after giving birth to me, my aunt gave me away," I faced Grace again before briefly looking away. "My father and elder sister are alive and in New York." I finished.

"That's awesome honey, did you tell Dr. Cheryl?" my mom asked.

"Yes, mom, over the phone. She also did mention that I had improved drastically." I smiled. I had also updated them all on every session with Dr. Cheryl.

"Good, so when do we get to meet them?" my dad asked.

I grinned even wider.

"You already met my sister," I told them.

Both my mom and dad turned to me, confusion painted on their faces, whereas Grace, well, she seemed to be well aware if you asked me.

"Kenna," I told them, "Kenna is my elder sister. Our mom had me two years after Kenna..." I explained every single detail up until the conversation I had with my dad and Kenna.

"Wow!" my dad exclaimed.

"I just need to find out one more thing," I turned fully to Grace, "I just need to know why you gave me away," I whispered.

"Kendra, what are you talking about? Why would Grace give you away?" my mom asked.

"Because mom, she's my aunt. The one who gave me away." I explained.



Both my mom and dad spoke.

"Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, I can explain." She spoke as the tears fell.

In all honesty, I didn't hate Grace. I only needed to know why she did what she did.

She may not have known it, but her actions destroyed a little part of me.

I spent most of my life attaching myself to others because I feared at some point, they'll put me away because I was unwanted. I didn't have a sense of belonging.

"Kendra," she began in tears, "I never wanted to give you away. I didn't want to, but I had no choice. I was barely twenty-three at the time, no home, no money, all alone on the streets of New York. After they gave me to you, we both didn't have anything to eat, you would've fallen sick or even worst, you would have died. I couldn't let that happen, you were the closest thing I had to family, the closest thing I had to my sister who practically raised me. Both our parents got killed in a road accident, by a drunk driver, and after that, my sister and I were thrown into the system." She sobbed.

"We barely made ends meet. But, she met Mr. Russell, they were so in love they didn't care for the consequences of what they did. When his wife finally found out, she took Kenna away, my sister cried every single day wondering if her daughter was okay, and then, we found out she was pregnant again."

"Whatever money she had saved from Mr. Russell was spent on you. Her pregnancy was critical, she wasn't allowed to work, I tried getting a job, but no one was willing to have me. I lost the little apartment we had after she died, I lived on the streets with a three day old baby in my arms, going to anywhere that would spare me a dollar to buy some milk." She cried.

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