Chapter 1 - Potion

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Hehe, this is going to be great! I was on my way to the guild with a pink potion in my hand that I got from a magic shop called 'Mag Drug'. I plan to prank Lucy by secretly slipping this potion into her drink and then poof instant prank. I'm so excited to see the look on Lucy's face, it's going to be hilarious.

I hurried to the guild and as soon as I walked inside, I looked around for my favourite blonde. I found her sitting at one of the guild tables, reading a book. Now I needed to somehow give her a drink with the potion inside. I noticed Mira at the bar as usual and I got an idea. I walked up to the bar and ordered one strawberry milkshake for Lucy. Mira happily made the drink and handed it to me. Without anyone looking, I slipped the potion into the drink while trying not to evilly chuckle too loudly.

Now that the potion is set, all I need to do now is to get Lucy to drink it. A smirk crawled onto my face but I quickly wiped it off as I arrived at her table. "Hiya Lucy!" I greeted with a big smile and sat on the seat across from her. She looked up from her book and smiled. "Hi Natsu" she said as she closed and set her book down. 'Hehe she won't know what'll hit her' I thought. "What's with the milkshake? You don't usually drink those" she asked. "It's a hot day today and you looked like you might be thirsty so I bought one for you" I said as I set the drink in front of her. "Thank you Natsu" she said and began drinking it. I leaned forward in my seats in anticipation for what's about to happen and then suddenly poof, a pink cloud completely engulfed her.

When the smoke cleared, I couldn't see Lucy anymore. "Where did she go?" I asked myself as I stood up but then noticed a blonde baby in a diaper sitting in the spot she was in before, looking up at me curiously. "Wait a minute... I TURNED LUCY INTO A BABY?! The potion was supposed to turn her hair purple! The stupid old man lied to me!" I complained then everyone gathered around to see why I was shouting.

"Natsu, what did you do?" Gramps asked sternly as he pushed through the crowd to stand in front of me. Before I could answer, baby Lucy started crying from all the unfamiliar people around her. "You can explain later. For now, we need to try to calm baby Lucy down" he said, "I'll give it a try" Erza stepped up. "How about some cake Lucy?" Erza asked as she showed her the cake but Lucy didn't stop crying. "Erza, babies can't eat cake" Mira explained and Erza looked dejected.

"Let me show you what babies like" Mira said and used her transformation magic to transform into a puppy. Lucy was about to calm down until Happy ran screaming away from Mira and hid behind my leg. I forgot he's scared of dogs. Next Ice Princess, aka Gray, stepped up. He used his ice maker magic to make the Fairy Tail symbol out of ice. Lucy looked intrigued and stopped crying until Juvia smashed the ice sculpture with her water magic. Lucy began crying again as Juvia shouted "Love Rival!" while tackling Gray away from Lucy.

Now it was my turn, I kneeled down in front of Lucy and used my flames to dance around her. I made sure not to let the flames burn her. She stopped crying and looked amazed at the flames around her. I could tell she liked it because she happily giggled and clapped her hands. Now that she was calm, I extinguished the flames. She looked up at me with her big brown eyes and held her arms up to me. I guessed she wanted me to pick her up so I did. As soon as she was in my arms, she reached up towards my hair with stars in her eyes. I could tell she wanted to touch it so I lifted her up higher and let her touch it. She grabbed one of my spikes and lightly tugged on it.

"Now Natsu, explain what happened" Gramps asked. I lowered Lucy down to my chest and she grasped my vest with her tiny hands. "It was supposed to be a simple prank, honest Gramps. The potion was supposed to turn Lucy's hair purple for a week not turn her into a baby" I explained. "Well for your actions, from now on you are to be Lucy's guardian until we find a way to turn her back to normal" he replied and I nodded. Even though I didn't mean for this to happen, it's still my fault that Lucy turned into a baby.

Gramps then turned to Levy. "Levy, can you find out what potion was used on Lucy?" he asked. "Sure, where's the vile?" Levy replied and I handed her the vile. She immediately ran to the guild's library and I notice Gajeel and Lily following after her. With the situation now sorted, everyone started to disperse, leaving me with Lucy. "Hm" I heard her say and I looked down. She was reaching out for my hair again with a pout on her face. I would be lying if I said she didn't look extremely cute right now.

I decided to lie her on my head and she was happy touching my hair. "You're already being a bad guardian. That's not how you hold a baby" Gray said and I rolled my eyes. "I know that Ice Princess but she wanted to touch my hair" I replied. "What did you call me Flame Breath?!" he argued, "you heard Ice Cube!" I argued. "Do I hear fighting?" we heard Erza and stiffened. We quickly hugged each other and then I noticed Lucy was slipping off my head. I quickly let go of Gray and caught her. My heart was racing as I pulled Lucy to my chest. 'That was close' I thought. "I told you so" Gray said and I glared at him. "Shut up" I said, "boys" Erza warned and we stuttered "S-Sorry."

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