Chapter 4 - Finger Painting

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"I'm so bored" I complained with my head on the table. Lucy, who was sitting beside my head on the table, put her hand on my nose and squeezed it. I thought I would play along, "honk" I said. She giggled and clapped before squeezing my nose again. "Honk" I said again and she giggled.

"Hey Natsu, if you're still bored, how about you do some finger painting with Lucy?" Mira suggested with some paints and paper in her arms. "That's a great idea Mira" I said as I lifted my head off the table. "Don't worry about Lucy with these paints because they're non-toxic but just to be sure, make sure she doesn't try to eat any of it" she said as she laid the paints and paper around the table. "Ok thanks Mira" I said as she left. I turned Lucy to face towards the piece of paper.

"Look Lucy" I said and dipped my finger into the red paint. Then I put my painted finger on the paper. Lucy watched me intently and then she copied with the pink paint. "Ya na!" she cooed happily and started painting with lots of different colours. I watched as she would put her hand in a colour and then added her handprint to her artwork. 'When she's finished with her art, I should hang it up on my wall with our other mementos of our adventures' I thought. "I'm going to paint a dragon" I said as I continued with my painting.

"Oh, are you doing finger painting over here?" Wendy asked as she came over with Happy and Carla. "Ah" Lucy cooed while showing them her hands. "You look like you're having fun Lucy" Wendy said before sitting across from us. "Ba" Lucy replied, "do you mind if we join you?" Wendy asked. "Sure" I replied, "I'm gonna paint a big juicy fish" Happy said as he reached for the blue paint. "I want to paint Grandeeney but she's mostly white so I'll paint a blue dragon. What are you going to paint Carla?" Wendy asked. "Some flowers" Carla replied.

"Oo looks like fun over here. Can we join you?" Levy said as she came over with Gajeel and Lily. "Pfft Gajeel finger painting HAHA!" I laughed. "Shut up Salamander before I knock your teeth in" Gajeel threatened and I stood up. "What did you say Metal Head!" I shouted. "Gajeel calm down" Levy said, "you too Natsu. You don't want to set a bad example on Lucy" Carla said and I looked down at Lucy who was happily looking up at me. She had a point, I huffed and sat back down.

All of us continued to paint and then Lucy looks towards me. "Hoo" she cooed and then I moved my head closer to her. "What do you want Lucy?" I asked and then she squeezed my nose, leaving some paint on my nose. She giggled and clapped her hands happily. "Oh I see how it is" I said with a smirk and then booped her nose with my finger, leaving paint on her nose. I laughed until someone threw paint at my face. The culprit, Gajeel, laughed "gihi that's what you get for laughing at me" he said. I retaliated by throwing some paint in his face. Our paint fight escalated until the whole guild was involved. I'm guessing Mira knew this would happen because she kept stocking up everyone's ammo with new paints.

"What's going on here?!" Gramps shouted and all of us froze. "Oh hi Master" Mira said sweetly, 'classic Mira' I thought with a sigh. "We were just doing some finger painting with Lucy" she added. "I see but why does my guild LOOK LIKE A PIECE OF ABSTRACT ART!" Gramps shouted the last bit. I had a good look around the guild for the first time and saw every colour of the rainbow splashed around the guild from top to bottom. "I want everyone to clean the entire guild from top to bottom. I don't even want to see a single speck left and if anyone tries to run away from the responsibility, I will gladly give you punishment" he said with a smile at the end, which gives shivers down everyone's spine.

"Natsu" Gramps said and I stiffened. "You should take Lucy home and clean her up" he said and I looked down at Lucy, who was giggling with splashes of paint all over her body. "Ok Gramps" I said as I picked Lucy up. I heard a few groans from my guildmates as I left the guild. Probably jealous that I get to skip out on cleaning duty. On the way home people kept staring at us but I ignored them.

When we got home, I immediately walked towards the bathroom. As soon as I saw my reflection in the bathroom's mirror, I realised that I needed a shower as well. I sat Lucy on the floor in the corner so I could strip down but before I could, she turned her upper body to look at me. "Lucy don't turn around" I said and turned her back around. As soon as I let go, she turned around again with a pout on her face. "I'm sorry Lucy but I need a bit of privacy" I said, 'I don't want to scar baby Lucy's innocent mind' I thought.

I decided to have her play in the next room while I have a shower. I picked her up and took her into the other room. I placed her on the floor and gathered a few toys for her to play with. With her happily playing with her toys, I walked back into the bathroom.

While I was in the middle of scrubbing the paint off my body, I heard a loud bang from the other room and Lucy crying. Is Lucy hurt?! "Lucy!" I exclaimed and ran out of the shower but not forgetting to wrap a towel around my waist. I slammed the door open shouting "Lucy!" and found her sitting beside a fallen bookshelf, crying. "Are you alright Lucy?" I asked as I ran over to her and picked her up. I took off her paint-covered onesie to check for any injuries and I hugged her tightly to my chest when I found none. "There, there, you're alright Lucy. I'm sorry for leaving you out here all alone" I cooed and she slowly stopped crying. "How about we clean you up, huh?" I said and took her into the bathroom.

I held her to my chest as I filled the sink with warm water. Once the sink was filled, I took Lucy's diaper off and sat the naked baby in the sink. I've seen her naked body before so seeing baby Lucy naked is nothing. I think she likes being naked because she gets naked a lot. I could tell Lucy loved the bath because she was happily splashing the water. I picked up a face washer and dipped it into the water before wiping the paint off her face. "Yee ya" she cooed and continued splashing the water everywhere.

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