Chapter 12 - Drink

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I can't believe Lucy took her first steps and they were to me! I feel like a proud father. It has only been an hour since she walked but I still have goosebumps. This must be the feeling Igneel had whenever little me mastered a spell. Somehow I feel a little closer to him.

"Eeya!" Lucy cooed as she shook her baby maraca. We were sitting on the guild floor playing with some of her toys. Gajeel took Levy to who knows where or should I say he threw her over his shoulder and carried her off somewhere. Probably to get some alone time. "Hey Natsu, do you want something to drink?" Mira asked as she was heading back to the bar after serving some customers. "Just some juice for me and Lucy thanks" I replied. Since Lucy was turned into a baby, I haven't had a drop of beer which I didn't mind too much. Anyway, once she turns back to normal I can drink all the beer I want at parties...I sound like Cana.

I didn't realise I zoned out for a bit and when I looked over to see what Lucy was doing, she was gone. I panicked and looked around for her. I didn't expect her to just walk away so soon. "What is it Lucy?" I heard Mira say and I turned to see Lucy standing next to her, holding onto her dress with one hand. Lucy let go of her dress and raised her hands towards my drink that Mira had in her hand. "Da" she cooed eagerly and Mira smiled sweetly with understanding. "Ok but try not to spill it" she replied and handed Lucy the drink.

I was about to get up to get closer to Lucy but Mira glared at me. For the sake of my life, I sat back down and then Mira turned her glare into a sweet smile. I watched Lucy carrying the cup with both hands over to me and trying her hardest not to spill it but a few drops would spill over the side every time she wobbled. My heart warmed at the determined expression she was making. She really wanted to give me my drink herself.

Eventually, she made it over to me and lifted the cup up to me. "Nasu" she cooed and I took the cup from her. "Thank you Lucy" I said with a smile and took a sip from my drink that she delivered. She managed to spill only a quarter of it but Mira happily cleaned up each spill she made on her way over. Lucy purposely flopped down onto her butt in front of me and then Mira gave me Lucy's juice in a sippy cup. "Now it's your turn to give it to her" she said before leaving us there but I noticed she kept a watchful eye on us.

I handed Lucy her drink and she drank it with both hands on each side of the sippy cup. When she finished gulping down her juice, I put my drink to my side and picked her up to burp her. I laid her a little over my shoulder and gently pat her back until she burped. As I was taking her off my shoulder, I noticed her yawn. "Time for a nap" I said as I stood up and carried her towards the cot we had in the guild for her. I gently laid her down and tucked the blanket over her tummy. She yawned one more time before closing her eyes. "Sleep well" I whispered and walked away to sit at the bar.

"Oi Flame Brain!" Gray shouted as he stormed over to me. I whipped my chair around, put a finger to my lips and said "SHHHHHH!" He froze and looked at me frozen in shock. I pointed to the cot Lucy was in and then pulled him by his wrist, since he stripped off his shirt beforehand, before pulling him out of the guild. Once I was sure we were out of Lucy's earshot, I shouted "what did you call me Ice Princess?!" He came out of his shock and argued back.

"I've had enough of seeing your stupid face every day. Fight me Pyro!" he argued. "I'll gladly punch that ugly face of yours, Frosty!" I argued back. He threw the first punch to my face which I threw another back at his face. We kept exchanging punches until we heard "boys..." We recognised that voice...gulp...Erza. We slowly looked over by the guild doors and saw Erza standing there. "Ahhhhh! We're sorry!" Gray and I screamed as we hugged each other. Suddenly Erza giggled and transformed into Mira! We instantly separated from our hug.

"Hehe sorry you two but Master told me to tell you he wants to talk to both of you in ten minutes" she said before heading back inside. "Pfft I knew it was Mira the whole time" I played off my earlier scare. "There's no way you knew it was Mira with that girly scream of yours" Gray retorted. "I was only acting next to YOUR girly scream" I argued. "You couldn't act to save your life" he argued back. "I could too!" I shouted. "Ahem..." we heard and saw Erza beside us again but on the other side, closer to the town. "What have I told you both about fighting?" she continued.

"Ok Mira we get, you can stop pretending to be Erza now. Anyway, Erza is ten times scarier than that, she's like a vile beast that can kick a mountain with a single kick" I said. Erza raised her eyebrow, "yeah we know it's you Mira, and Natsu, she's more like a monster that can kick three mountains with a single kick. So you can stop with the transformation" Gray said. "What transformation?" we turned around to see Mira in front of the guild doors. "W-Wait a minute if you're there Mira then who's pretending to be..." Gray said. "Aaah!" we screamed and I jumped up into Gray's arms, bridal style. "You have ten seconds" Erza threatened with her hair shadowing her eyes. Gray drops me and made a run for it. My butt hurt from the landing but I had bigger things to worry about. "Wait for me!" I screamed and ran after him. I hope I make it out of this alive!

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