Chapter 6 - First Word

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Erza and the others are supposed to be coming back today. I was playing with Lucy on the guild's floor with some colourful building blocks. She would build it up and then happily knock it back down. "We're back!" we heard someone shout from the guild doors and we looked up to see it's the rest of my team.

They came over and the Erza picked Lucy up. "Have you been good while we've been away Lucy?" she asked. Lucy giggled while wiggling her arms and legs. She accidentally hit Erza's armour with her hand. "Oo?" she cooed and then she banged on Erza's armour again. "Yeaya!" she cooed and kept banging on Erza's armour like it was a bongo drum.

I chuckled at how happy she was every time she banged on the armour. "Erza, you might want to put Lucy down before you disturb the rest of the guild" Mira said, sweetly. I looked around and noticed everyone was looking slightly annoyed at us. "Sorry everyone" I said as I took Lucy off of Erza and into my arms. Lucy looked at Erza and then to me. Suddenly she banged on my chest. She looked confused and tried again. 'What is she doing?' I wondered and then I noticed tears threatening to fall from her eyes. "Oh no" I muttered before "waaaaaaaaah" she cried.

I covered one of my sensitive ears with my hand while holding Lucy in the other. Damn she has a loud cry. "Shhh" I cooed and bounced her a little to try to calm her down but it wasn't working. I wasn't sure what to do because that usually always works and then suddenly an idea popped into my head. I remembered how happy she was when I showed her my magic so I decided to give it a try. "Look here Lucy" I cooed as I took my hand off my ear and used my flames to dance around her. Even adding some animals made out of flames every once in a while.

Lucy looked at my flames and stopped crying. "Aiya!" she cheered and clapped her hands. "Excellent job Natsu" Erza praised, "yeah Flame Brain you're surprisingly a good babysitter" Gray said. "Wow did you just compliment me Ice Stripper?" I asked teasingly. "Shut up, it won't happen again" he replied.

I was about to say something back until "Gray my darling! I'm back from my job!" Juvia shouted from the door. "Oh no!" he exclaimed and began running towards the guild's back exit. Sadly...not...Juvia tackled him in a hug before he could make it to the exit. She turned her legs into water and started pulling him to the back of the guild. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" he screams before disappearing into the shadows. "You will be sadly missed Ice Princess" I said with a hint of sarcasm and wiping a pretend tear.

"Coo chi coo chi coo" I heard Erza coo and turned to see her wiggling her finger at Lucy. Wow, Gray just got dragged into the shadows and she's acting like nothing happened. "ICE MAKE GEYSER!" I heard Gray shout from somewhere before he bolted past me and out of the guild. For some reason, my arms feel lighter...Wait a minute HE STOLE LUCY!

"Get back here Ice stripper!" I shouted and ran after him. It's surprising how fast he can run when he's running away from Juvia. "Give Lucy back!" I shouted as I ran behind him. He turned his head towards me as he ran and stuck his tongue out at me. I chased him around Magnolia until we stopped in front of the guild, panting. While he was distracted, I snatched Lucy away from him and growled. "Did you just growl at me?" he asked. "Grr" I growled back, answering his question.

I realised that after all that running, we ended up back at the guild. "How did we end up at the guild again?" I asked. "I don't know but I'm thirsty after all that running" he said as he walked back into the guild. 'Did he forget about Juvia?' I wondered as I followed him in. "Gray my darling you came back!" Juvia said while running to him. I noticed Gray stiffen before she hugged him. 'He did forget her' I thought. "I'm sorry about earlier. I was so happy to see you that I couldn't hold myself back" she said. "That's alright. I shouldn't have frozen you in my ice so I'm sorry" he replied. Wait, he froze her in his ice? That explains everything except for why he took Lucy.

"Hold on a minute! You haven't told me why you stole Lucy!" I shouted at him. "Just to annoy you" he replied with a smirk. Gr, I'm wanna kill him. "Natsu" Levy called out as she came walking over to me. "Has Lucy said her first word yet?" she asked. "Ah no, she hasn't" I replied and I wonder what her first word would be. I hope my name is her first word.

I sat Lucy down on an empty table and bend down a bit so I was face-to-face with her. "Lucy, say Natsu" I said with determination. I will make my name her first word. "Don't be disappointed if she doesn't say your name Flame Brain. She'll be better off saying my name as her first word" Gray said with a smirk. "Oh yeah?" I challenged, "yeah, Lucy say Gray. Gr-ay" he replied and turned to Lucy. "No, say Natsu. Na-tsu" I said to Lucy. "A competition? I will join in. Say Erza Lucy" Erza added. "No way, she's my best friend. She should say my name. This is all your fault Ice Princess!" I argued as I gripped Gray's collar which he hadn't discarded yet.

I was about to punch Gray in the face when I suddenly heard "Nasu." "Wait did I heard that right?" I said and turned to Lucy. "Nasu" she said again happily, "hell yeah! My name was her first word!" I cheered. "Nasu! Nasu!" Lucy cooed with a big smile on her face. I felt so proud of her. I think this is how it feels to be proud of your own child.

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