Chapter 5 - Naptime

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After I cleaned all the paint off Lucy, I wrapped her in a towel and exited the bathroom with her in my arms. I picked a yellow baby shirt and pink baby pants for Lucy to wear from her pile of clothes. "Oops I almost forgot the diaper" I mumbled and added one to the clothes in my hand. I took Lucy to the couch and laid her down before kneeling next to it.

"Ok first I need to put the diaper on" I mumbled to myself. This was the first time I ever had to do this but she is my responsibility so I have to do it. I started by lifting Lucy's lower body up a bit by her legs. Just enough to slide the diaper under her butt and then I put her back down. "How did Bisca do this before?" I asked myself. "I cover her with this side and then- stop wiggling Lucy" I said and she giggled. I noticed she doesn't like to sit still.

I tried again and held each side so when she wiggled it wouldn't fall off. Once all three sides were in place, I grabbed a safety pin and pinned them together. Why do they call them safety pins? They still hurt when they prick you. Anyway, I was pretty proud of my handiwork since it was my first time and now I needed to put Lucy in a shirt and pants. I grabbed her pants first and tried to put her feet through it. I've never seen pants with footsies before. She kept kicking, making it harder for me to get her feet through each pant leg.

Once I finished putting Lucy's pants on, I sat her up ready to put her shirt on. It's a button up short sleeve shirt so I had to unbutton it first. I then put the shirt behind her and held her arm as I thread each arm through the sleeve. This time it was easier for me to put it on her. When both arms were through the sleeves, I started buttoning up the shirt. "There all done" I said after I buttoned the last button. As my fingers left her buttons, Lucy grasped my finger with her hand. Her hand just wraps around my whole finger. I looked at her and she was staring up at me intently. "What's wrong Lucy?" I asked and she blinked. "Hm" she cooed and let my finger go to hold her arms out. "What another cuddle?" I asked as I pulled her to my chest.

I remembered I was still in my towel and I needed to get changed into some clothes but the last time I left her alone, she almost hurt herself. 'How am I gonna get changed while Lucy is in the same room?' I wondered while looking around the room. My eyes landed on the crib and her blanket, and an idea popped into my head. I took Lucy over to the crib and sat her down in it. "Hmmm" she cooed with an upset face and her hands up towards me.

"Wait a moment Lucy" I said as I gather my clothes and stood next to the crib again. I grabbed the blanket from the crib and put it over Lucy. "Ah?" I heard her coo with confusion from under the blanket. Now she can't see anything and I can change in the same room. I quickly stripped off the towel and put my boxers and pants on. Luckily, I had my pants on before she found her way out of the blanket. She looked up at me, "oo" she cooed with a big smile on her face. I smiled back down at her and then put my vest on.

"Natsu!" Happy burst through the door and almost crashed to the ground if I didn't catch him. "Happy what's wrong?" I asked, worried about my little buddy. He coughed twice before speaking. "Too" he said in a raspy voice and then I dropped him. He got me worried for nothing.

"Hey you didn't have to drop me!" he shouted, "and you didn't have to barge into our house like you got attacked by something" I retorted. He flew up so we were face to face. "It's so unfair, you were the only one Gramps let off on cleaning duty" he complained. "Someone had to clean Lucy up" I replied, "but it's so unfair!" he shouted. "Well-" "waaaaaaaaaaah" Lucy's cries interrupted me and I quickly picked her up. Strangely she instantly stopped crying once she was in my arms.

She moved her face away from my chest and yawned while rubbing an eye. Seeing her yawn, made me feel tired. "Looks like it's naptime" I said with a yawn and tried to put her down in the crib but she held onto my vest tightly. I shrugged, I'm too tired to deal with her crying so I laid on the couch with her laying on my chest. She seemed happy as she fell asleep where she laid. "She looooves~ you" Happy teased, "shut up Happy" I tiredly said before falling asleep.

I was dreaming about beating Gray and him bowing before me, cowering at my might when...Boop. I felt something touch my nose. I shook it off and kept dreaming until...Boop. I ignored it again until...Boop. I woke up to see who was touching my nose and disturbing my awesome dream, to see big brown eyes staring at me. "Wha?!" I exclaimed until I noticed it was Lucy. "Aiya!" she happily cooed with a big smile on her face. "You awake Natsu?" I heard Happy ask and I saw him fly up to us. "What time is it?" I asked, "it's around dinner time" he replied. My stomach grumbled, "yep it's time for dinner. Come on Lucy" I said as I stood up with Lucy in my arms and then I walked over towards the door.

"How about we eat at the guild today?" I asked Happy as I opened the door. "Aye!" he cheered and flew out the open door. We ran out of my house, not forgetting to lock it up first, and headed towards the guild for a delicious meal. 

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