Chapter 2 - Baby Stuff

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Since this morning, everything has calmed down. Lucy has settled down for a nap in my arms and she was sucking her thumb with a peaceful look on her face. "Natsu" someone whispered and I looked up to see Levy. "How's Lucy doing?" she asked as she sat across from me. "She's doing well. Sleeping like a baby" I chuckled at my little joke. She giggled too, "I found information about the potion you used" she said. "Please tell me it's not permanent" I pleaded, "it's not permanent" she confirmed and I sighed in relief.

"But the effects can last up to a month" she added. "What?!" I exclaimed and accidentally woke Lucy up. "Waaaaaaaaah" she cried and I panicked. I tried rocking her but she wasn't calming down. "What's wrong with her?" I panickily asked Levy. "She might be hungry" she suggested, "but I don't have any milk. I'm not a female!" I replied. "I'll go rush to the store and buy some formula milk for you. Try to entertain her while I'm gone" she said and ran out of the guild.

"Entertain her? How the hell do I entertain a baby?!" I shouted after her. I tried thinking of a way to entertain Lucy and then I heard her giggle. I looked down and she was looking up at me with a happy expression on her face. Confused by her sudden change of behaviour, I raised my eyebrow and she giggled again. An idea popped into my head, I tried making a weird face and she giggled. 'It's working' I inwardly cheered. I tried a few funny faces and she continued to giggle until Levy came back.

She used the kitchen to mix the formula with water in a baby bottle. "Can you heat this up a bit Natsu?" she asked as she came back to the table and handed me the bottle. I used my flames to heat up the milk and I made sure the milk was the right temperature before giving it to Lucy. She sucked hungrily on the bottle with her hands holding each side of it. I kept a hand on the bottom of the bottle to hold it up for her. "You're doing well Natsu. Let me know if you ever need help babysitting" Levy said before leaving me with feeding Lucy. 'I wonder if this is what having a child feels like?' I wondered.

Once Lucy was finished, I put the bottle on the table before bringing her up to my shoulder to burp her. I'm glad Bisca and Alzack gave me some parenting tips earlier. After about a minute of lightly hitting Lucy's back, she burped and I set her back down in my arms. 'I think I should buy some baby stuff for Lucy' I thought then stood up and walked over to the where Happy was sitting with Carla and Wendy. "I'm going to buy some baby stuff for Lucy. Wanna come?" I asked Happy. "Yeah I'll come" he replied and flew up beside me. "Can we come too? We can help you carry some things" Wendy asked and I realised that with Lucy in my arms, I would need help carrying stuff. "Yeah sure" I replied, "we're coming too" I heard someone say behind me.

We turned to see Erza standing behind us, holding Gray by his collar who was trying to get away from her. "Why do I have to come? Natsu got himself into this mess and I'm not going to help him out of it" he complained. "We're a team so we have to stick together" Erza replied and Gray stopped struggling. "Fine, I'll come too" he sighed and Erza let him go. With that we headed out of the guild.

By the end of the day, we had a crib, high chair, some baby clothes, blankets, diapers, formula milk and other things. Lucy was happily cuddling her new small light pink bunny plush in my arms. As soon as we arrived at my place, I sat Lucy on the couch before helping Gray built the crib. We constantly fought over what was the right way to built it until Erza smashed our heads together. Erza, Wendy, Carla and Happy were busy cleaning my dirty floor. I haven't cleaned the place in a while.

"Aiya" Lucy happily cooed and threw her plush bunny towards me. I thought she didn't want it anymore but she started reaching for it. I stopped what I was doing and picked it up. "You shouldn't throw something away if you still want it Lucy" I said as I walked up and handed it back to her.

I took a few steps back towards the crib and then she threw it again at my feet. I looked down at the bunny and then back up to Lucy. She giggled and clapped her hands. I picked the bunny up again and gave it back to her. I took one step towards the crib and she threw it again. I guessed she was bored from sitting there, watching us. "Do you want to play Lucy?" I asked. "Aiya" she replied while slapping her hands beside her on the couch. "I'll take that as a yes" I said and picked up her bunny before sitting next to her on the couch. She rolled onto her hands and knees and crawled onto my lap. I helped her sit up on my lap and then shook the bunny in front of her. She giggled when I bounce the bunny over her legs.

"Oi I was thinking, what are we going to do about Lucy's rent?" Gray said. "I didn't think about that. We should go on a job tomorrow" Erza said. "Yes! It's been like a week since we did a job!" I cheered. "We came back from one two days ago" Gray rolled his eyes. "You aren't coming Natsu" Erza said, "what?! Why not?!" I exclaimed. "Isn't it obvious? You need to take care of Lucy and we can't bring her on a dangerous job" Carla huffed. "You could've put it a bit more nicely Carla" Wendy said to her. I couldn't believe they were going to leave me and Lucy behind.

I quickly turned Lucy around to face me in my lap. "Ok Lucy, now you listen to Natsu. Natsu wants you to go back to the way you were before" I said as I pulled out a photo from my scarf of her older self in a swimsuit from a Sorcerer Weekly photoshoot. Lucy just giggled and clapped her hands. I felt dejected. "Do you always carry a picture of Lucy around with you?" Gray questioned. "That's not important right now" I said as I put the photo back into my scarf. "I think it is" he replied, "isn't" I said and he replied "is." We went back and forth saying 'isn't' and 'is' until Erza coughed to get out attention back. "Back to the point, Natsu you will not go on a job until Lucy is back to normal" she ordered. "Noooooooooooooo!" I shouted towards the sky. "Tsk, drama queen" Gray commented and I glared at him.   

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