Chapter 7 - Names

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"Can you say Erza?" Erza asked Lucy. Ever since Lucy said my name, everyone has been trying to get her to say their names. "Erwa" Lucy replied and then Wendy stepped up. "Can you say Wendy?" she asked, "Weny" Lucy replied. "Oo oo say my name! Say Happy" Happy said, "appy" Lucy replied. "Say Carla" he said and Carla rolled her eyes before taking a sip of her tea. "Cawa" Lucy replied and Carla lightly huffed. "I guess that is a little cute" she said which I could tell she was trying not to awe at Lucy's cuteness.

"My turn" Gray stepped up. "Say Gray, Lucy. Gr-ay" he said. "Gay!" Lucy said and Gray dropped his head. I burst into laughter while everyone else chuckled. "Oh Mavis" I heard him mutter with his head down. "You're not gay are you my love? Lyon is my Love Rival!" Juvia shouted. "I'm not gay Juvia" Gray sighed, "and even if I was, I would never go out with Lyon! Gross!" Gray shouted. "Phew thank goodness" Juvia replied with a sigh of relief. Gray turned back to Lucy, "Lucy, it's Gray. Say it with me, Gr-ay" he tried again. "Gay!" Lucy said again and I laughed harder. I felt a stitch in my side.

"No, it's Gray. Grrr-ay" he tried again, pronouncing his name slowly. "Gway" Lucy replied and Gray sighed in relief. "Finally" he said, "I liked Gay better" I chuckled and he whipped his head around to glare at me. "Did you say something Flame Brain?" he threatened as he grabbed my collar. "You heard what I said Popsicle!" I challenged back as I grabbed his collar. We were about to fight until we heard Lucy say "Fame Bain!" Gray began to laugh until she said "Sicle." Great now she can say our insults, note the sarcasm.

"How dare you teach Lucy to say those insults!" Erza shouted and we instantly hugged each other. "EEEEEEEEEK" we screamed as she re-quiped a sword in her hand. Gray and I looked at each other before shouting "run!" We ran towards the guild doors and luckily made it out of there but the bad news is Erza is chasing after us. "AAAAAAAAAAAAH!" we screamed as we ran through the streets.

"Lets split up, she can't catch both of us" Gray suggested. "Great idea, I hope she goes after you" I said before I ran to the right and he ran to the left. 'Please chase Gray. Please chase Gray' I prayed in my head when suddenly a chain wrapped around my neck and pulled me back onto the floor. I quickly looked up to see Erza holding the other end of the chain and holding another chain wrapped around Gray's neck, who was in the same situation as me. We shook at the monstrous look in her eyes. 'Goodbye world' I thought and tightly shut my eyes.

"Natsu!" I heard someone call my name and my eyes shot open. I looked towards whoever called my name to find Levy running over to us with Lucy crying in her arms. I quickly unwrapped the chain around my neck and ran to Lucy. "She started crying when you ran out of the guild" Levy explained. As soon as I pulled Lucy into my arms, I cooed to her. "Sh it's ok, I'm here" I cooed and she stopped crying. "Nasu" she sniffled as she buried her face into my chest and gripped my vest. I stroked her back to calm her down.

"AAAAAAAAAAAH!" I heard Gray scream as Erza pulled his chain towards an alleyway. Levy and I turned our backs to him before walking away. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK...Argh!" I heard Gray scream but we don't look back. I feel sorry for Gray but if I have to be honest, better him than me. 'Rest in peace Ice Princess' I prayed for him.

"Oi Salamander!" I heard someone shout and I know only one person who calls me that. My guess was correct when I saw Gajeel walking towards us with Lily flying beside him. "Shrimp I need your help with something" he said. "Ok what-aah!" Levy exclaimed as Gajeel threw her over his shoulder. "See ya later Salamander" he said before running off with her and Lily flying after them. "See ya later Gajeel" I replied without batting an eye because this was a usual occurrence.

I looked down to see how Lucy was doing after all that crying and noticed she was asleep. All the crying must have tired her out. "Natsu!" I heard someone else calling my name. 'I'm Mr Popular today' I thought as I turned around to whoever called my name out. It was Sting with Rogue, Lector and Frosch behind him. "Hi Sting" I greeted as they came over to me and Lucy. "Woah congratulations man. I didn't know you and Lucy had a kid" he said as soon as he noticed Lucy. Before I could reply, he asked "can I hold her?" "Ah yeah sure" I replied and handed Lucy over to him.

"Awe, what an adorable daughter you have Natsu" he said and I knew I had to clear up this confusion soon. "She's not actually my daughter-" I was about to explain further until he turned his body with Lucy in his arms away from me. He had a disgusted look on his face. "I can't believe you would kidnap an innocent child! I looked up to you!" he exclaimed. "I didn't kidnap her!" I shouted as I snatched her away from him. "It's Lucy. She was turned into a baby because of a potion" I explained.

"That explains everything" Lector said. "Why didn't you say that in the first place?" Sting said and I growled a bit in frustration. "I tried to but you kept interrupting me" I replied while rolling my eyes. "Oh, sorry" he said, guiltily and nervously scratching the back of his neck. "Anyway, why are you here in Magnolia?" I asked. "Oh yeah, we have to talk to your Master about something important. We need you to come along too. We'll explain when we get there" he said and I wondered what he needed me for.

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