Chapter 13 - Job Request

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After a swift and painful beating from Erza, Gray and I headed up to Gramps' office. I left Lucy downstairs to continue her nap while we had a talk with Gramps. "So what's up Gramps?" I asked as we entered his office and closed the door. "I received this job request this morning and it's requesting both of you" he replied while pushing the request in front of us. Gray picked it up and I looked over his shoulder.

The job was requesting us to protect a rare crystal from some thieves and that the client would give us more information when we arrive. "Sounds like a hush hush job" I said as I looked up from the request. "This is an urgent request. I need you both to leave tonight" Gramps said. "But we just came back from a job this morning" I said, "you will change your mind when you see the reward" he replied. I looked down at the reward and it million jewel!

This amount of jewel will pay off Lucy's rent and give me some bonus jewel. "I'm all fired up! I'll beat these thieves up before breakfast" I said and slammed my fist to my palm. "Don't you mean I'll beat up the thieves? I can handle this job on my own so go babysit Lucy" Gray said. "Shut up Ice-." "For Mavis sake, both of you just go!" Gramps shouted. "Aye!" we said as we bolted out of his office.

When we both tried to run down the stairs in a rush, we accidentally crashed into each other and tumbled down the stairs. Everyone laughed when they saw us in a pile at the bottom of the stairs. I noticed a certain spike orange haired celestial spirit standing beside Lucy's cot with her in his arms. "Loke, what are you doing here?" I asked as I untangled myself from Ice Stripper and walked up to him. Loke whipped his head around to glare at me and I didn't expect what came next. "Regulus Impact!" he chanted as he sucker-punched me through the roof. I flew over Magnolia until I crash landed in the lake where Happy and I fish.

I swam up to the surface and growled. "I'm gonna kill Loke!" I shouted and swam towards the edge of the lake. As soon as I was out of the lake, I sprinted all the way back to the guild and kicked open the doors. "What the hell Loke!" I shouted as I stomped up to him. "I heard what you did to my Lucy. Look at her! I can't flirt with her now" he said with a glare. For some reason, him calling Lucy his makes me mad. "It was an accident and she's not your Lucy!" I shouted back at him. "Eeee!" Mira squealed and then Levy shushed her. I didn't understand why she squealed but I'm too busy dealing with Loke.

"Accident? The owner of my key has been turned into a freaking BABY!" he argued and then sat Lucy on the bar counter. "The potion was supposed to turn her hair purple!" I argued back. He swung his fist at my face and I quickly dodged it. I punched him back and he flew back against the bar counter beside Lucy. He regained his composure and cracked his knuckles. "Bring it on Pinkie" he said in a dark tone and I heard Gray chuckle in the background. "Come at me ya Pervy Lion" I replied and waved him over. We charged at each other and threw punches at each other without using magic.

During our fight, I was about to hit him with another knuckle sandwich when out of nowhere, Loke's gate closed and he disappeared in a golden light. "What the- get back here you coward!" I shouted towards the ceiling. "Ah Natsu" Mira said and when I looked at her, she pointed to Lucy. Lucy was waving and shaking Loke's key in her hand. "Lucy~ why did you do that, I was winning" I whined. "I can't tell who's the baby here" I heard Gray say with my Dragon Slayer hearing. I glared at him and then sighed. "Looks like I need to find you a babysitter" I said to Lucy as I picked her up.

I looked around the guild for Levy but I couldn't find her. I noticed Jet and Droy were sitting at a table nearby and knew they would know where Levy was. "Hey, where's Levy?" I asked them. "Gajeel took her home because she suddenly got sick" Jet replied. "Yeah it was really weird, she got it straight after she talked to Mira" Droy added. "Ok thanks" I replied and walked away. 'Well Levy can't take care of Lucy. Maybe Mira can take care of her' I thought as I walked over to the bar. Strangely, when I got to the bar Mira was nowhere to be seen.

"Mira?" I called out but she didn't respond. I looked around the guild to see if she was serving customers but she wasn't. Another strange thing, I noticed was that all the females in the guild were gone. I lifted my eyebrow in confusion and then someone grabbed my wrist. "We don't have time. We'll have to just bring Lucy with us" Gray said as he pulled me out of the guild. "But what about her stuff?" I asked as I pulled my arm away from him and kept following him. "We'll grab it on the way to the train station" he replied. "Argh train station. Can't we just walk?" I asked trying not to throw up at the thought of a train. "You heard what Gramps said, the job is urgent so we have to get there as soon as possible" he replied and I groaned.

I'm already starting to hate this job. Lucy giggled and I looked down. She was looking up at me happily like she was excited to go on a job with me. I smiled down at her. 'This will be baby Lucy's first job' I thought. "Lets go beat some thieves" I said excitedly. This job might not be so bad after all.

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