Chapter 11 - Natsu Look!

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Levy's POV

It has been three days since Natsu left for that job and Lucy has been missing him. I tried playing with her on the guild floor but she won't touch any of her toys. "Nasu..." she mumbled upset while looking at a single red building block on the floor. She tried crying for him yesterday when she woke up but now she won't do anything. It's cute that she misses Natsu but I don't like seeing her upset. 'Natsu, hurry up so Lucy can see you' I prayed.

Suddenly the guild doors slammed open and a group of people were standing in the doorway. "We made it back alive!" Natsu shouted from the front of the group. "Nasu!" Lucy cooed happily with a bright smile on her face. "Do you ever stop shouting? You're hurting my eardrums" Gray complained as they walked inside the guild towards us. "Oh yeah? Your voice hurts my eardrums!" Natsu shouted with a glare. "Well yours hurts mine as well so why don't you just shut up ya Fire Clown!" Gray shouted and glared back. "You shut up Frosty!" Natsu shouted.

"!" I heard Lucy grunting and looked towards her. I was shocked to see what was happening. "Natsu look!" I quickly shouted to gain his attention. He turned his head towards me and Lucy. Lucy was struggling to stand up but she managed to stand on her own two feet. "Woah!" everyone exclaimed and watched in excitement.

What shocked us next was that she was taking her first steps. She wobbled a little bit but step by step she was getting closer and closer to Natsu. Natsu crouched and opened his arms out. "Come on Lucy, you can do it" he encouraged. Halfway, Lucy fell over but she immediately made herself stand up and continue walking. She kept walking until she reached Natsu. He caught her as she fell towards his lap and then he lifted her up into the air. "You did it Lucy!" Natsu cheered with a bright smile on his face. 'He looks so proud' I thought.

Suddenly someone grabbed the back of my dress and lifted me up. "There ya are Shrimp" only one person calls me that. "Put me down Gajeel!" I complained. "How did babysitting Baby Bunny Girl go?" he asked as he put me down. 'Baby Bunny Girl?' I wondered and then I realised he meant Lucy. "She was easy to babysit although she missed Natsu most of the time" I replied. "Gihi, she wasn't the only one" he said and looked over at Natsu.

"And then the dragon went ROAR! I flew through the air with a BANG! With a WOOSH! Happy flew me up to the dragon and I punched the dragon's head with my flaming fist" Natsu bragged to Lucy. "Oo" Lucy cooed interested. "You forgot to tell her about the dragon crushing you under his foot" Gajeel said. "And don't forget the bit where you were screaming, 'not a nice dragon! Not a nice dragon!'" Gray added and ran on the spot, looking over his shoulder pretending to run away from a dragon. Everyone laughed and Natsu glared at Gajeel and Gray.

"Don't tell her all the bad stuff!" Natsu shouted, "and what about you Ice Princess?! The dragon backhanded you across the forest after you froze the ground!" he added. Gray grabbed Natsu's collar and I felt a fight was about to start up so I quietly took Lucy out of Natsu's arms. I heard what happened to Erza when she tried to break those two up after fighting for three days straight.

"You two are pathetic" Gajeel said and both of them whipped their heads around towards him. "Shut up!" they both shouted and punched Gajeel. In an instant, the three of them were fighting each other and I sighed. "I'm cheering for you Gray my darling!" Juvia said beside me with hearts in her eyes as Gray stripped. "Our boys are weird aren't they Lu?" I asked Lucy. She put her hands up and said "eya" which I could tell she agreed with me.

After a few mis-thrown punches, the whole guild had joined in and now I was hiding behind the bar counter with Lucy to make sure she didn't get hurt. She was looking up wondering what the noises of them fighting were. I decided to distracted by giving her some formula milk. She hungrily slurped up every last drop of milk which was no surprise since she lost a bit of her appetite from missing Natsu.

Speak of the devil, Natsu popped his head over the counter while all the fighting was going on. "How's Lucy doing?" he asked, "she's ok" I replied. Lucy pushed the bottle away from her mouth and cooed "Nasu!" with her hands reaching towards him. "Hiya Lucy" he said and quickly tickled her belly which made her giggle. "Natsu!" we heard Gray shout and Natsu looked over his shoulder. A smirk grew on his face before he looked back down at us. "Got to go Lucy" he said before getting off the counter and twirling what I guess to be Gray's underwear around his finger. "Bring it on Ice Princess!" he laughed and ran out of view.

I sighed, 'this is going to take a while' I thought. There was no one to stop them. Master was at a meeting with Yajima and Erza won't be much help since she's in the middle of it because someone stepped on her strawberry cake. "Looks like we have a long wait ahead of us" I said to Lucy and she cooed "hm" as she continued to finish her bottle of milk.

About an hour later, Lucy and I were still behind the bar counter. She was playing with her plush bunny when suddenly I heard, "WHAT HAPPENED TO MY GUILD HALL!" 'Master's back' I thought. "Haha I win haha-gah!" Natsu exclaimed which I'm guessing Master flattened him. "I want everyone to clean up this mess before they leave" Master ordered. "Yes sir" I heard everyone reply with an unenthusiastic tone. I decided to help everyone out while carrying Lucy on my waist with an arm around her.

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