Chapter 9 - Babysitting Lucy

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Levy's POV

I'm very excited to be babysitting Lucy. It was funny to see Natsu acting like a worried, overprotective dad. I wonder what type of father Gajeel would be...Why did I just think of that?! Anyway, after picking Lucy up from Natsu's house, I took her to the guild with her bag of stuff. What the hell did Natsu pack in here? It weighs a ton.

When I arrived at the guild, I threw the heavy bag onto the floor beside the bar. "What's in here?" I wondered as I opened the bag. I found a bunch of baby stuff like diapers, bottles of milk and other things Lucy might need. There was enough stuff for a week. "Geez Natsu overdid it. What am I saying? He always overdoes things" I said to myself.

"Good morning Levy, good morning Lucy" Mira greeted as she walked behind the bar after serving customers. "Miwa!" Lucy cooed, "good morning Mira" I greeted back. "What's that?" she asked, eyeing the bag Natsu gave me. "It's a bag Natsu packed, full of baby stuff for Lucy" I replied. "Isn't that too much?" she said and I was glad I wasn't the only who thought so. "That's what I thought. You should've seen how Natsu acted as he was leaving" I replied.

She leaned over the bar counter closer to me. "Oh do tell" she said with a glint in her eye. Lucy covered her face with her hands like she was embarrassed. "Awe" we squealed, "now you have to tell me" Mira said and I explained everything. Mira is the President and I'm the Vice-President of the Nalu shipping club. Our motto is 'we will make Nalu happen!' Mira squealed when I finished explaining everything. "Nalu will sail" she said determination and then ran to the kitchen mumbling over and over "I need to make a plan."

I spent the rest of the day playing with Lucy or reading a book while she naps on my arm. When it was time to go home, I said goodbye to Jet and Droy before leaving the guild with Lucy and her bag of stuff. All the girls at Fairy Hills were excited to have baby Lucy staying over. As soon as I walked through the doors, I smelt a delicious smell coming from the kitchen.

"What smells good over here?" I asked as I peeked into the kitchen. "Spaghetti Bolognese" Cana said as she stirred the sauce. Every night we take turns cooking dinner and today it's Cana's night to cook. I noticed her about to pour a bottle of booze into the sauce and I knew I had to stop her. "Woah woah Cana! Remember what happened last time you spiked our food?" I warned. She stopped trying to pour the booze into the sauce. "That was a fun night and I think booze always makes the food taste good" she replied. "Well, leave your booze on your plate" I said.

"Can I put some in Lucy's baby food?" she asked and my jaw dropped. "No!" I exclaimed, shocked that she would even ask that. Natsu would probably kill me if Lucy had booze in the state she is in. "Just kidding" she chuckled and then went back to cooking. I rolled my eyes and left to my room so I can put Lucy's stuff away.

When I entered my room, I sat Lucy in the cot that Bisca let me borrow from when Asuka was a baby. With Lucy in a safe place, I organised her stuff around the room and cleaned up the mess of books on the floor. By the time I was finished, I heard a knock on the door. Laki opened the door and peeked her head in. "Dinner's ready" she told me, "I'll come down in a minute" I replied and she closed the door. I walked over to the cot and picked Lucy up. "Are you hungry Lu?" I asked her. "Aiya!" she cooed with her hands up in the air. Oh my gosh, she is so adorable!

I took her downstairs to the dining room where Mira, Juvia, Cana, Laki and Evergreen were sitting at the table. Everyone said hi to Lucy as I sat her on the high chair Bisca let us borrow. Lucy clapped her hands as I put a bowl of apple baby food in front of her. I sat beside her and used the small spoon to feed her. Occasionally she would dribble her food which I would scoop up and then put the spoon back in her mouth.

After dinner and everyone cooing at Lucy, I took her back to my room and sat on my bed with her on my lap. It was time for her to go to bed but I know Lu would love a bedtime story first. "Ready for a bedtime story?" I asked her and wondered what story I should tell her. Suddenly an idea came to mind, I will tell her a fairy tale about how she joined Fairy Tail.

"Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess locked up in her castle. Her father, the king, kept her locked up for wealth and greed. One day, the princess managed to escape the castle she had been trapped in for her whole life and fled to start a new life for herself." I looked down to see if she was enjoying the story and I saw she was looking up at me entranced with the story so I continued. "She ventured far and wide across her kingdom in search for a place to call home until one day, when she was walking through the forest, a bandit stopped her in her tracks. He planned to kidnap the princess for his slavery business." "Oo" Lucy cooed, interested.

"Nearby a pink dragon and his blue cat companion noticed the commotion and decided to help the princess. He defeated the nasty bandit and made him run for the hills. The princess was grateful for the dragon's assistance and shared the bread she had in her basket with him and his cat as thanks for the rescue. Over lunch, the princess spoke to the dragon about her dream of finding a home where she could belong. The dragon knew of a place where anyone can join and belong and he decided to bring her to this magical place called Fairy Tail." I finished off the story and when I looked down, I noticed she had fallen asleep with a smile on her face.

I scooped her up in my arms and carried her to the cot. Carefully, I laid her down without waking her up. "Goodnight Lu" I whispered as I gently stroked her head and covered her up with her blanket.

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