Chapter 3 - She's so cute

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After everything was set up, our friends went home and I got to work making dinner for the three of us. I made a simple stew for me and Happy while getting a jar of baby food from the bag of food we bought. As I was cooking, I occasionally look over to see how Lucy and Happy were doing and watch them playing on the floor together. I laughed when I saw Lucy tugging Happy's ears. Happy was crying out in pain with each tug. "Natsu shut up and help me!" he complained and I went over to help him.

"Come here Lucy" I cooed as I picked her up from behind. I took her over to the high chair and sat her down in it. "Yeeya" she cooed and happily banged on the table. I chuckled, "someone's hungry" I said and started dishing up our meals. I gave Happy and Lucy their meals and left mine on the counter. I had to feed Lucy first and I know I can heat up my food again with my magic later.

Carefully, I pulled the high chair towards the couch so I can sit beside her. "Ah boo" she cooed and banged on the table again. "Ok, ok, be patient Lucy" I said, 'never thought I would ever say that to her' I thought. I scooped up the baby food in a spoon and put the food up to her mouth. She opened her mouth and I put the food in before gently pulling the spoon out. She chewed and dribbled the food down her chin with a smile on her face. "Ah Happy, can you get me a napkin?" I asked and he brought a napkin to me. I wiped her dribble and then scooped another spoon of food up for her. She's such a messy eater.

This continued until she finished her food. I took her out of her high chair and burped her before placing her on the carpet on the floor. I took my food and heated it up before sitting down on the couch. Lucy crawled around the floor while I ate, probably to explore her new home. It feels weird seeing her like this. She's cute like this but I like the loud, cheerful, adult Lucy who we always dressed up on missions more. 'Now that I think about it, I should dress Lucy in one of the onesies we bought for her' I thought as I finished my food.

After putting my plate in the sink, I picked out a pink onesie and walked over to where Lucy crawled off to. I picked her up and laid her down on her back in the middle of the carpet. I tried putting the onesie on her but it was a bit tricky since she kept squirming around giggling. She kept kicking her legs and moving her arms around making it harder for me to put the onesie on her. Eventually I got it on her and pulled her into my arms. "Time for bed" I said and walked towards Lucy's crib. "Brrba" she cooed and then I laid her in her crib which was across the room from my hammock. I quickly ran over to the couch to get her pink bunny and then brought it back, putting it beside her.

She held her hands up to me, clenching and opening her hands repeatedly. I guessed she wanted a hug so I picked her up and I gave her one last cuddle of the night before laying her back down. "She's so cute" I muttered to myself. "You loooove~ her don't you?" Happy teased with a snicker, "shut up furball!" I shouted and Lucy started crying. "Oops" I said and picked her up again. "Shhh, I'm sorry for yelling Lucy. Shhh" I cooed and bounced her a bit in my arms to try and calm her down. "This is all your fault Happy" I said, "I'm not the one who shouted" he muttered while looking away and I glared at him. "Eeeeek!" he squeaked and flew behind the couch to hide. Eventually, she calmed down and fell asleep in my arms. I gently laid her back onto the crib, careful to not wake her up, and then pulled the blanket up to her waist. She looked so peaceful.

The next morning, I sluggishly wobbled over to the guild's bar with a cheerful Lucy in my arms and a half dead Happy flying by my side. I sat Lucy on the bar counter before sitting down and slamming my head on the counter. Happy belly flopped onto the counter beside me. "What's wrong with you two?" Mira asked curiously. I lifted my heavy head up and rested my chin on the counter before talking. "Lucy...crying...all...night" I replied tiredly. "Yea ya" Lucy cooed and clapped.

Lucy would wake up nearly every hour crying and I had to roll out of my hammock to rock her back to sleep. Happy and I didn't get a wink of sleep. "It's normal for babies to cry a few times throughout the night" Mira replied. Happy and I groaned, imaging doing this every night. "You'll get use to it soon" she said. "How do parents do this every night?" I asked, "tiredly" she replied sweetly. I groaned again but it was my fault Lucy's a baby and I would do anything for her. Well anything except getting along with Ice Stripper.

"Having trouble already Flame Brain?" Gray chuckled, speak of the devil slayer and he will appear. I felt my tiredness be replaced with irritation. "I'm sure you wouldn't last one night with baby Lucy" I argued, "oh yeah? I'm sure I can babysit Lucy better than you any day" he argued back and then we clashed foreheads arguing. "Oh yeah?!" I challenged, "yeah!" he challenged back. "Boys" we heard the demon say, "eeeeeek!" we squealed and hugged each other. "What have I told you both about fighting? Anyway Gray lets go, we're gonna be late for the train" Erza said and walked towards the guild's doors. "I'm coming" he replied, turning to me and giving me a sly smirk before running after her. I clenched my fists, "damn, I'm gonna kill that Ice Stripper when he gets back" I muttered.

"Nya ba!" Lucy cried out and I snapped out of my anger. I turned to her and she had her arms out towards me, wanting a cuddle. I walked over to her and picked her up. She grasped my vest as soon as I sat her in my arms. "Awe you two are so cute!" Mira squealed and I blushed. Thinking about it, taking care of Lucy isn't that bad.  

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