Chapter 10 - Thunder Dragon

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"Not a nice dragon! Not a nice dragon!" I exclaimed as Gray and I ran away from a dark grey thunder dragon. "Yeah I noticed. You don't need to scream it out" Gray said as we ran. The whole group decided to split up to find the dragon's dwelling and Erza thought it would be a great idea for us to team up. Why does she keep putting us together when we clearly hate each other's guts?

I looked back and noticed the dragon breathing in for a breath attack. "Watch out!" I exclaimed as the dragon roared. His roar sound like thunder clapping and the vibration of the roar threw us forward, onto the ground. "Send another flare" Gray said and I shot a firework into the air. Hopefully our friends get here soon before it gets serious, Lucy's waiting for me to get back home and she needs me to be in full health.

"My turn" I said before standing up and breathing in for a breath attack of my own. "Fire Dragon Roar!" I chanted. Fire roared out of my mouth and towards the dragon. My breath attack knocked him back a few steps but there wasn't a scratch on him. "Natsu! White Dragon Roar!" Sting showed up with Rogue and let out a breath attack. "Shadow Dragon Roar!" Rogue chanted and I let out another Fire Dragon Roar to form a three-way unison raid. Our combined attacks knocked the dragon onto his side. Suddenly lightning struck from above and Laxus landed on top of the dragon. He lifted his fist up and chanted "Lightning Dragon Iron Fist!" as he punched the area we hit with our unison raid.

Laxus managed to leave a crack on the shoulder of the dragon's scaly hide. The dragon roared in pain and shook Laxus off as he stood. "Aim for the crack!" Erza said before re-quiping into her Heaven's Wheel Armor. I noticed the whole team was back together surrounding the dragon. "How dare you lowly humans attack me! I, the great thunder dragon, Kabros will not be defeated by a bunch of puny Dragon Slayers" the thunder dragon, Kabros, said.

In a synchronised attack, we all aimed for the crack while dodging Kabros' attempts to protect his wound. He roared in pain and whipped his wings out, knocking us back in one swipe. With a beat of his wings, he flew up into the sky. "This isn't over humans" he said with venom as he flew away.

"Damn, he got away" Gajeel said as we regrouped. "Since it's getting late, lets head back to camp for the night and search for him again tomorrow" Erza said. We all agreed because we were all tired from the fight and searching all day. When we got back to camp, I helped fire up the campfire while the others either gathered some more firewood or were cooking our dinner.

Since I did my job, I relaxed in front of the fire and thought about Lucy back home. Was she getting enough sleep while I've been gone? Has she been crying for me? Is she still safe at the guild? What if something has happened to her? Oh no, all these terrible scenarios keep popping up in my mind.

"Are you alright Natsu?" Happy asked as he sat beside me. "Yeah, I'm just wondering how Lucy is doing" I replied while looking up at the stars in the night sky. I heard Happy chuckle and I whipped my head around to lightly glare at him. "Sorry..." he said apologetically. "I'm sure Levy is taking good care of her" he added. "Yeah..." I replied but I still missed her.

This job doesn't feel the same without her. I miss her company, I miss teasing her, I miss sneaking into her bed only to be woken up by her infamous Lucy Kick...actually, I don't miss her Lucy Kick. I chuckled at remembering all of the crazy adventures we've been on. Since she became my partner, she has been a big part of my life.

I look back up to the night sky. The stars always remind me of her. She can shine brightly through the darkest of times. To me, she's the brightest star in the sky...It sounds like I love her. Do I love her?

"Oi Flame Brain!" Gray shouted, knocking me out of my thoughts. I didn't realize everyone had sat around the fire and are now dishing up dinner. "We've been trying to get your attention for about a while. What were you thinking about?" he added. "Lucy~" Happy said while hiding his laugh. "Gihi, you don't have to worry about her. Shrimp can take care of Baby Bunny Girl" Gajeel said. 'I did handpick Levy to babysit Lucy so I should trust my decision' I thought. "Yeah you're right" I replied and smiled. "Anyway, here Natsu" Sting said as he handed me a bowl of stew. "Thanks Sting" I said while taking the bowl from him.

During dinner, we discussed different tactics on how to take down Kabros. We had ideas like talking to the dragon nicely, freezing the ground to make him slip over, holding him down with chains, etc. "I suggest we go to bed now so we can wake up bright and early tomorrow" Erza said before walking over to the girls' tent with Wendy and Carla following. Without a word, Laxus and Rogue headed towards the boys' tent. "Well time for bed" Sting said as he stretched his arms out and stood up. The rest of us went into the boys' tent and laid down on our sleeping bags.

A few minutes after everyone went to bed, I kept tossing and turning because I was worrying about Lucy. I needed something to distract myself. Suddenly a devious idea popped into my mind and I silently chuckled. I quietly searched through my bag and found the marker. A smirk grew on my face as I popped the cap off and sneaked towards my first victim.

Once I was finished I looked at my artworks. I gave everyone a theme. Laxus was a pirate with a drawn eyepatch, stitches and a curly moustache. Gajeel was a flower, pfft, I drew flowers all over his face. Rogue was a goth, not like there's much difference, he had a skull drawn on his cheek, black on his lips and a spider on his forehead. Sting was a cat with whiskers on his cheeks, a black nose and the word 'meow' on his forehead. Gray was my masterpiece. He was a woman, I drew on his lips to make lipstick, on his eyelids to make eyeliner and the best part, I wrote 'Idiot' across his forehead. The exceeds were spared from my art. Now I needed to find a tree or cave to sleep in so I don't get killed while I'm asleep when they wake up. Time to sneak out of the tent and go survive in the wilderness.

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