Chapter 14 - Ice Crystal

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When we got to the client's mansion, a butler led us to the office where the client was waiting for us. We had gotten there by nightfall and I had Lucy sitting in a back carrier that I had strapped to my back. She seemed happy on my back, looking around at our surroundings. The butler knocked on two big wooden doors which I assumed was the office. "Sir, the Fairy Tail wizards have arrived" the butler said through the doors. "Send them in" a muffled male voice came from the other side and the butler opened the doors.

The office was big with a chandelier hanging from the ceiling and bookshelves covering every wall. A large window covered the whole wall behind the client's desk. 'Fancy' I thought as we walked in. "Welcome, please take a seat" the man sitting at the desk said while pointing to the two brown couches in front of his desk. We sat down on the couches but I didn't lay back because I didn't want to crush Lucy.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr...?" Gray greeted. "Tomiji, Mr Tomiji" Mr Tomiji replied. "Yaba" Lucy cooed and Mr Tomiji moved his head to the side to look at who was behind me. "Why is there a baby on your back?" he asked. "I couldn't find a babysitter" I replied. "Ah ok...Anyway, I have specifically requested the both of you because I am transporting a rare ice crystal across Fiore tomorrow morning and unfortunately, I have received a threat from a group of thieves called Flaming Ashes. They are a group of fire wizards" Mr Tomiji said.

"Just wondering, how is the crystal being transported?" Gray asked. "By train" Mr Tomiji replied and I felt my stomach doing summersaults. Gray had a sly smirk on his face as he looked over at me. Damn that Frosty Stripper! "Well, I'm going to retire for the night. I have two guest bedrooms arranged for you. I will ask a maid to bring in a cot for your baby" Mr Tomiji said before leaving the office.

"Gentlemen, please follow me" the butler said from the doorway and we stood up to follow him. He led us to two guest bedroom side-by-side to each other. 'At least I don't have to sleep in the same room as Frozen Butt over there' I thought. I entered my room and noticed how nice the room was. There was a mini chandelier hanging down from the ceiling and a private bathroom. As I looked around the room and I noticed..."A mini fridge!" I exclaimed. I excitedly ran to the mini fridge and opened it to see all the glorious food stacked within.

After eating all the contents of the mini fridge, I sat on the bed patting my stomach. Suddenly I heard a knock on the door, I took Lucy off my back and laid her down on the bed before answering the door. I opened to find it was one of the maids. "Mr Dragneel, I have brought the cot you requested" she said. "Oh thank you" I said and opened the door wider so she could bring it in with the help of another maid.

"Is there anything else you would like before we leave, Mr Dragneel?" the maid asked. "Ah no thanks" I replied and then the two maids left the room. I looked over to see how Lucy was doing and noticed she was sleeping peacefully. With a small smile, I gently picked her up and laid her down in the cot. "Goodnight Lucy" I said as I tucked her in.

Later the next day, we were on the train heading across Fiore...just kill me now. "So this is a rare ice crystal. I wonder what makes it so special? What do you think Lucy?" Gray asked the baby sitting on his lap. "Ahoo" Lucy cooed as she reached for the shiny ice blue crystal in the glass case in the middle of the train cart. I would punch Gray for having Lucy on his lap if I wasn't lying on some crates, trying to not lose my breakfast. "Are you doing ok Natsu?" Happy asked from where he sat beside me on top of some other crates. "Yeah, as soon as the train stops, mmph" I groaned and tried not to puke. "I seriously wonder why Mr Tomiji hired you for this job" Gray said. I would've punch him if I wasn't feeling so sick right now.

Out of nowhere, the front door to the cart blew open and three dark figures could be seen through the dust. "Who moves in like a fog and steals all the booty? The Butt Jiggle Gang!" the leader cheered as they revealed themselves in their black bodysuits. "Seriously not these guys" Gray sweatdropped as he placed Lucy on the ground and then stood up.

"We are going to take that crystal ya hear" the leader said as all three of them shook their rears towards us. "Yo Boss" the scrawny lacky said while pointing to something on the floor. I looked over to see what he was pointing at and noticed Lucy was standing up, wiggling her diaper butt. "That baby is a true scoundrel boys" the leader said. "Too bad she won't be joining your gang. Ice Make Floor!" Gray chanted and then quickly picked Lucy up before she slipped out the back door of the train with the Butt Jiggle Gang. When will this train ride end!

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