Chapter 8 - Babysitter

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"So, what's this about Sting?" I asked as Gramps closed his office door. My whole team was here with me including Lucy in my arms. For some reason, Laxus and Gajeel had to join this discussion too. "We got this request from an unknown client" Sting said as he placed a request sheet on Gramps' desk. We all crowded around it and it read 'HELP! A Dragon is taking all our food! Dragon Slayer/s needed!' "We came here because we wanted to gather all the Dragon Slayers together to stop this dragon. Remember what happened with the Eclipse Gate" he explained.

"So that's why you want us to come" Laxus said. "Yes! I've been itching for a fight" I said eagerly. "Didn't you forget you're grounded with taking care of Lucy?" Gray said with a smirk. "I'll let you go Natsu as long as you find a good babysitter for Lucy while you're gone" Gramps said. I cheered "yes!" with a fist pump and Gray rolled his eyes. Finally I can go on another job, it feels like forever since I last went on a job.

We discussed the details about the job and then left Gramps' office to pack for the trip. I noticed Lucy had fallen asleep sometime during the discussion. I had an idea on who I wanted to ask to babysit Lucy and as soon as I walked down the stairs, I walked straight towards Levy. Lucy's second best friend is a perfect babysitter for her. I'm Lucy's number one best friend, Levy better not forget that and neither should Lucy.

"Hey Levy" I greeted and she put the book, that she had her nose in, down. "Oh hey Natsu. Hi Lu" she greeted Lucy in a baby voice. "I need to go on a job with Gajeel and the other Dragon Slayers tomorrow so could you please babysit Lucy while I'm gone?" I asked. "Yeah, no problem. I'll pick her up tomorrow morning at your place" she replied. "Thanks Levy" I said and walked towards the guild's exit.

I was so excited to pack for this job. I wonder if it's a nice dragon like Igneel or an evil dragon like Zirconis. I hope I get to at least kick some butt! "Hm" Lucy cooed signalling that she is awake. "Did you have a good nap Lucy?" I asked as I smiled down at her. "Eeya!" she cooed happily, letting me know she did.

"NaaaaaaaaaaaaaTSUUUUUUUUUUU!" I heard someone calling for me, getting louder and louder until I felt something hit the back of my head at a rapid speed. "OW!" I groaned as I rubbed the back of my sore head. Luckily whatever hit me didn't make me fall over and crush Lucy. "Who the hell hit me?" I asked myself as I looked towards who hit me which happened to be Happy. "Ow, sorry Natsu" he said from his crash landing on the floor. "Why were you hurling at my head like that?" I asked him. "It's because you forgot to let me know you were leaving. You know we always leave together unless we have plans" he complained. "Sorry buddy, I had so much on my mind right now" I replied.

"Is it about the dragon?" he asked, curiously. "I am wondering if the dragon is a friend of Igneel's but I was busy getting a babysitter for Lucy" I replied. He flew up to look at me face to face. "Who did you get?" he asked, "Levy" I replied. "She's a good choice" he said and then we headed to our place to pack for the job.

The next morning, I heard a knock on the door and opened the door to see Levy. "Good morning Natsu. Is Lucy ready?" she greeted. "Yeah she is, come in" I stepped aside to let her in. "Hi Lu" Levy greeted Lucy, who was sitting in her high chair with a pink baby dress on. "Evy!" Lucy cooed and banged on the high chair table twice. "Ready to come with Aunty Levy?" Levy asked, "aiya!" Lucy cooed. Levy picked her up and held her in her arms. I picked up the bag I packed with all of Lucy's things and handed it to her.

"Her favourite food is the apple baby food and make sure she goes to bed by seven thirty. Oh and make sure you give her her pink bunny or she won't be able to sleep at night" I rambled on. Levy giggled, "relax Natsu, I've got this. Lu's in safe hands" she said. I heard Happy holding back a chuckle and I lightly glared at him. He quickly looked away innocently and I rolled my eyes.

"Anyway, we should get going. The others will be waiting for us at the train station" I said as I put my backpack on and ran out of the house. Happy and Levy followed me out and then I locked the door. "Say bye bye to Natsu, Lu" Levy said as she held Lucy's arm and made her wave. "Ba ba" Lucy cooed which I knew she was trying to say bye bye. "Bye Lucy! Bye Levy!" I waved back as I ran in the direction of the train station with Happy flying beside me.

"Are you sure you're going to be ok Natsu?" Happy asked. "What are you talking about Happy?" I asked back. "You know, with Levy babysitting Lucy" he replied. "Why wouldn't I be ok with that?" I asked in wonder. "Well you did list to Levy everything she needs to do for Lucy like an overprotective mother" he replied. "Psh, you're overthinking it" I said and then I remembered that I forgot to tell Levy something.

"I forgot to tell Levy to sing a lullaby before Lucy goes to sleep!" I exclaimed and tried running back to the guild but Happy quickly picked me up and flew us towards the train station. I struggled in his grip, "Happy, let me go!" I complained. "Erza will kill us if we're late" he said and I stopped struggling. I felt a chill run down my spine imagining what Erza would do if we were late. "Then lets hurry up Happy!" I shouted and we max speed towards the train station. I'm sure Lucy will be fine with Levy while I'm gone.

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