Chapter 15 - Flaming Ashes

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After that abrupt entrance from the Butt Jiggle Gang, the train ride became pretty quiet except for Lucy's occasional cooing. Out of nowhere, the train cart jerked up, crashed on its side and skidded across the ground to a stop. I groaned as I got up from the crates that crashed on top of me and then I got extremely worried for Lucy. "Gray! Is Lucy safe?!" I asked urgently. I saw some crates get thrown across the train cart and then I heard Lucy crying. "Yeah she's fine, I protected her before the crates hit us. Where's the crystal?" he asked. I looked around and found the crystal had landed beside me, out of its glass case.

"What made the train crash?" Happy asked and speak of the devil, the culprits showed themselves through the open doorway that the Butt Jiggle Gang blew open. Six men with bright flaming red hair and different hairstyles stood in the doorway. "We're from the Flaming Ashes guild so hand over the crystal and nobody will get hurt...much" the one with the mohawk said which I guessed was the leader of the group. Lucy started crying at the men and gained their attention. "Pfft I can't believe the guards of an expensive crystal brought a baby with them" he said and the six of them laughed.

"Happy, take care of Lucy and protect the crystal" I said as I gave him the crystal and stood up. "Aye sir" he replied and then flew over to Gray and Lucy. "So you guys are fire wizards huh?" I said to them. "Yeah, what? Are you scared of us?" one of the men asked arrogantly. I saw Gray stand next to me. "No but you know what they say, you fight fire with fire" I said and lit my fists on fire. The six men eyes widen in surprise but quickly regained their composure.

"Flame up guys" the leader said and all six of them lit fire balls in their hands. "I've got a better catchphrase. I'm all fired up!" I said and we all launched into an attack. I took on three of them including the leader while Gray took on the other three. These thieves weren't really much of a challenge. They reacted like every other low level opponent I've faced. I eat their fire attack, they become shocked, then I would attack them with one of my Fire Dragon Slayer attacks and then yadi yadi yada... In nearly no time at all, I defeated two of the three I was facing. All that was left was the leader.

"Natsu duck! Diaper Attack!" Happy called out and as I crouched down, a dirty poop-filled diaper smashed right into the leader's face. "Ew" I said and then turned to look at Happy and Lucy. "Thanks Happy and thanks Lucy" I said to them. "Eeya" Lucy said while clapping. I gave her a quick smile and then turned back to my opponent. "Ergh" the leader groaned as he threw the diaper off of his face. With him momentarily distracted, I punched him in the face and knocked him out. "Ya Nasu" Lucy cheered and clapped which made me smile.

"Took you long enough to defeat your thieves" Gray said as he was smugly leaning again the wall with his thieves tied up and unconscious. "Shut up Ice Stripper" I said, Gray was about to retort until..."Swipper" Lucy cooed. Gray and I looked at each other with panic in our eyes. "Don't tell Erza" we both said in unison. "Oh you're both in trouble" Happy teased and we glared at him. "Ok I'll keep my mouth shut geez" he complained.

Later we contacted the Rune Knights and they took the Flaming Ashes into custody. We managed to transport the ice crystal all the way to the other side of Fiore and get the one million jewel reward. Unfortunately, Mr Tomiji took ten thousand to compensate for the destroyed train cart that I didn't even destroy this time. Either way, we have plenty to split each way. "So I think we should split the reward thirty, thirty, thirty and ten" I said as we were waiting for the next train back to Magnolia. "So who gets the ten percent?" Gray asked. "You" I replied with a smirk, "I should get thirty percent!" he exclaimed.

We ended up in a fist fight over who would get the ten percent when Lucy's cries split us up. I rushed to Lucy's side and cuddled her in my arms until she calmed down. "Our train's here" Happy said and then we filed onto the train which I wasn't too happy about. What's worst than one train trip across Fiore? Two train trips across Fiore but we can't walk with Lucy with us so it's our only choice.

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