Place: Tolmach Apartment, Emberfrost Castle Timberest
Date: Nollaig 4th, 1617 1 pm-ish
"This is a disaster, a total disaster." Gaira raved. That little abomination marrying a crown prince."
"And the crown prince of Imperio Elfico at that. She will be the queen of the most powerful nation in the world." Jowan provoked her.
"This CANNOT happen. We can't allow this marriage to take place." She paced as she ranted.
"Tsk, tsk, so jealous. What has your blood boiling more, the thought of your worst enemy, the woman that always best you at everything having all that power, influence, and that precious Imperial crown? Or the fact she will be the one warming the prince's bed at night?"
Gaira screamed and flew a vase at Jowan's head. He ducked and laughed. This was the reaction he had hoped for.
She ran at him getting right in his face, and grabbed a letter opener from the nearby desk. "Watch your mouth or I will cut out your tongue." Gaira snarled at him
He put his hands up to surrender.
Gaira turned and threw the letter opener back on the desk. She walked away smoothing out her dress as she did. Regaining her composure before speaking again.
"You fool, for our plan to come to fruition we need to weaken the King and his alliances. A member of Brogan's court marrying into the most powerful royal family in the world only elevates him. Making Siog Rioght and Elfico sister nations. No one will stand against them. We will be on our own. Now can your little weak mind grasp the seriousness of this situation?
"I see," Jowan said he crossed his arm in front of his chest.
"We need to come up with a plan. Something to scare her away from. Send her running from her precious prince." Gaira said snidely.
"So from what I hear, your little pretty boy prince has a picnic planned for him and his precious Princesa" Jowan smirked at her as he plopped down on the brown toile couch.
They had the curtains drawn and the fireplace crackled loudly. The air smelled of sandalwood and spice. Lumi bloom lamps were turned down so the room had a dim-lit glow.
Gaira scowled at her brother. "There is nothing precious about that.. that Unseelie abomination." she huffed turned sharply causing her long blond hair to swing landing on her shoulder as she folded her arms on her chest.
"Now, now sister dear, be careful who call Unseelie." He wagged his finger at her.
She flashed a scowl so full of anger her green eyes glowed.
"Haha, so that's where they get the term green-eyed monster from."
Jowan lounged back comfortably and pointed mockingly at her with one hand and ran his fingers through his thick black hair with the other. "Besides we both know Unseelie or not Lady Miri is quite the lovely girl." He winked.
"Pfft please, she presents herself like a commoner, carrying a dagger and learning to cook and sweep like a soldier or housemaid. That is no way for a future queen to act. Gaira stood taller and lifted her chin. "She is no Lady rest assured." Smoothing out the front of her green dress and keeping her back turned to him.
"Too bad the King and Prince Bercelo don't share your opinion. He stood up. "Admit it, dear sister, she scares you." Touching his sister's shoulder he whispered "We both know as Miri gets stronger so do her second senses. It won't be long until the girl figures us out. Then it is us who will be banished or worse." He grabbed her shoulders.

Come Winter's End: Fairy Fire Book #1
FantasíaThere has long been peace in the world of Miri Brightday. That lull of tranquillity, however, is about to end. Sages from every nation have declared that the ancient one is returning. The Lord of Darkness "Mal Sombre" will soon be released, free to...