Place: Miri's Apartment, Emberfrost Castle, Timberest
Date: Nollaig 4th, 9:27 p.m."Ok, so I know it isn't exactly what we were hoping for. But it was the most complete text I could find. The other sages had emptied the library of all the rest. There was only this book and one scroll left. Which I took also". Essi explained.
"Yeah, it was left because it's written in Ancient Elven." West sighed as he rubbed his stressed temples.
"That's not a big deal. I can speak and read Ancient fluently." Escher replied with a confident smile as he flipped open the book.
"You do realize that most of the prophecies or warnings are written in code right. That has to be deciphered. To even start to understand what they are talking about." The prince continued as he fell into the chair next to Es.
Miri went and got the books they had taken. She showed Escher what they had learned about the Coimeadai, the Neech-Dion, and all the others listed in the sage's glossary.
"Well, now we know where to start," Essi said you guys keep up reaching anything you can about the cast of characters and I will go through here looking for the signs and foretellings." He explained as he grabbed some paper and headed for the book's index.
"Foretellings" Jaeger questioned.
"I think he means prophecies. Must be some fancy sagey term. West grinned as he went to get the tea and bring it to the table.
"Actually Nooo, I mean foretellings. Prophecies are usually very specific and not often are they reoccurring. But yes you were correct, it is a fancy sagey term." Essie made air quotes as he sighed at the prince.
"La-di-da I stand corrected." The prince singsonged as he sat at the table.
"Well let's get to finding out what has all the sages undies in a bunch shall we," Escher stated, clapping and rubbing his hands together.
"That's a mental picture I DID NOT need," West replied picturing Escher's words coming to life. Trying to shake the image from his mind.
"Agreed," Jaeger added as he pinched his nose. "I don't think I will ever be able to look at Elder Jurgen the same way."
"Or Telfrin" Miri added blinking away the thought.
Everyone at the table shuddered at that one.
The group set to work and researched till late in the evening before retiring to bed.
Place: Miri's Apartment, Emberfrost Castle, Timberest
Date: Nollaig 5th, 8:34 amMiri tossed and turned as her nightmare echoed...
"Save the fire crown, you have to save the fire prince, only you can! All is lost if the fire crown falls." The old woman warned. Magic burst surrounded her as she desperately searched for the fire prince who was he, where was he. The war raged around all around. And then saw it, a blast of pure dark magic heading for the fire crown. She ran towards and .. "Miri, Miri wake up." What? She thought. "Princesa wake up mi amor it's only a dream. Wait that's West's voice she thought. Something touched her arm.
Miri sat straight up in the bed and pulled her arm close to her body. Looking to see what had grabbed her she saw two concerned pairs of blue eyes blinking at her. One belonging to West, the other to kitten form Riku. Both were watching her with such concern.
"It's ok, it's only a dream," the prince said as he set down on the bed and hugged her.
The young neko poofed back to human form and joined the hug. "Don't worry Miri everything is ok." He reassured her.

Come Winter's End: Fairy Fire Book #1
FantasyThere has long been peace in the world of Miri Brightday. That lull of tranquillity, however, is about to end. Sages from every nation have declared that the ancient one is returning. The Lord of Darkness "Mal Sombre" will soon be released, free to...