Heaven on Earth

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Sal's POV
I shove dusty textbooks out of the way, searching for a sharpened pencil in the trash bin that my locker is.  At last, I find one, and gently close my locker, clicking the lock. 

One class left before lunch.  Algebra.  The class that Travis is in.  Maybe I can talk to him and see why he is the way he is.  Maybe I can befriend him.  If I can make it past his outer shell of bullying and pure hatred of me. 

I saunter over to my Algebra classroom and enter, taking a seat at my desk.

Travis's POV
Blue pigtails, shimmering ocean eyes, frail body, weak figure, long fingers, jet black fingernails, the smell of coconut shampoo in his soft, silky hair; all of it is my vision of heaven on earth.  All of it is a boy.  A boy... 

It's sinful.  I shouldn't feel this way.  Father would murder me.  Boys shouldn't have feelings for other boys.  Oh God, why do I love it so much?  Why is it so wrong, yet it feels... right?

Why do I... love him?

The door creaks open.  I turn my head to see who entered the classroom, and I spot him.  The boy that I love so greatly: Sal Fisher.  His blue pigtails bounce as he walks with confidence towards his seat in the row behind me.  Stupid seating chart.  Now I have to look back to see him.  He's so perfect.  He's so cute- What am I doing?!  I shouldn't feel this way.  Get yourself together, Travis.  Stop feeling this way.

I quickly turn back around in my seat and jot down some lines in my diary.

Sal's POV
"Mr. Fisher."

"Mr. Fisher, wake up!"

Huh?  I flutter my eyes and sit up.  My teacher glares at me.  "You need to stop sleeping in class, Sal," she says in her hideous raspy voice.  I shrug and pick up my pencil.  I notice a certain blond haired boy staring at me. Travis.  Our eyes lock for a moment.  As he stares, strawberry blush grows across his caramel cheeks.  A sliver of a smile blossoms on his face.  He looks... cute.  I smile a bit but no one can see through my prosthetic.  My blue eyes light up slightly.  His smile suddenly fades and he turns around in a hurry, looking a bit embarrassed. 

I wonder what was going through his mind.

Travis's POV
Sal sits at his desk, blue hair flopping here and there, with his head resting on his arms which are sprawled across the desk.  He's asleep.  Quiet snores escape his nostrils.  He looks peaceful and... adorable.  I just want to hug him.  Oh, but if Father only knew my deep dirty feelings for him. 

"Mr. Fisher, wake up!" 

Sal's eyes blink and his eyelashes flutter like a butterfly flying around in the morning dew.  He sits up and we meet eyes for a brief second.  I can't help but smile.  He's so cute when he's sleepy.  I realize what I'm doing and I quickly turn back around, blushing cherry red in embarrassment.

The rest of the class period, I scribble out a note that I want to give Sal.  I need to show him my true colors before I burst out and punch him again.  I don't mean to harm him, I'm just so deeply insecure about liking a boy that I take my emotions out in unhealthy ways. 

He needs to know my true feelings for him.

He needs to know that I like him. 

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