Kiss in the Moonlight

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5 years later

Travis's POV
Sal's lips are sealed tightly to my own, only breaking the seal to breathe.  We stand in front of Wendigo Lake, the spot where we kissed for the first time, kissing each other beneath the weeping willow.  The light of the full moon ripples across the blue lake and reflects onto Sal's beautiful blue hair that blows in his face as a breeze passes through. 

After about half an hour of nonstop kissing, I pull away, a smile swept across my blushing cheeks.  "Sal, I love you so much.  I never want to leave you.  I want us to die together and share a grave in death.  If Father was right and we're sinners, then I want you to be my heaven in hell."  Sal gives me the cutest smile, wrinkling his eyes a bit as a grin is spread across his face.  "I love you too, Travis.  So fucking much.  I want to be by your side always." 

With that statement, Sal reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small box.  "And that is why, I'm asking you..."  He opens up the box and gets on one knee. 

"Travis Phelps, will you be my husband in life and in death?" 

My heart jumps.  Butterflies swarm inside my stomach.  I smile bright enough that we do not need the moon for light. 

"Sal Fisher, I will.  I will always love you," I say, pulling him into a passionate kiss. 

We stand there beneath the willow tree, our hair lit up by the silver moon, the water rippling with the reflection, kissing each other and only breaking for oxygen. 

If our relationship has taught me anything, it is that the good always comes out of the bad.  I went through years of physical and emotional abuse from Father, a suicide attempt, and lots and lots of pain and heartbreak.  But look where I am now.  I'm the fiance to fucking Sal Fisher.  My high school sweetheart.  My one true love.  Now, we get to spend the rest of our lives together, and then be together as ghosts.  I wouldn't trade my past for anything, surprisingly.  It is part of what shaped me to become the person that I am today. 

And that person loves themself for who they are. 

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