Love Conquers Fear

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Sal's POV
The morning goes by without me even seeing Travis.  It is Monday, a few days after he kissed me.  I hope he is alright.

At last, Algebra comes.  I walk into the classroom and take a seat, waiting for the rest of the students to flood in as the bell rings.  When it finally rings, teenagers hurry into the room, taking their seats.  But one seat remains vacant: Travis's seat.  As Mrs. Packerton passes out our graded tests, I slip into my mind to reminisce upon my moment with Travis at the lake, and try to ponder why he is not here.  He kissed me, so maybe he is nervous about facing me again?  I don't know.  After class, I can stop by his house and check on him. 

Travis's POV
My head spins.  My entire body aches as I try to rise, but to my disappointment, I just fall backwards and hit my back against the hard mattress.  A groan escapes my dry lips.  My eyes flutter up and down, blinking, trying hard to stay conscious. 

I lay on my bed, sheets pulled up to my chin, resting.  I needed the day off from school today.  I'm in too much pain.  Father's abuse on Saturday led to a painful headache. 

I stretch out onto my back and try to adjust my head's position to look up at the ceiling.  Looking at something blank and boring gives me the platform I need to form reveries.  I shut my eyes tightly and grimace as sharp pains shoot through my body while I try to move.  I at last drift into contemplation.  I reminisce upon my time spend with Sal, kissing him and wanting to never unlock our lips.  I miss him.  It has only been a couple days, but I miss him a lot.  He's comforting to me.  He makes me feel like I matter, like I actually have a purpose in this world. 

I just hope that he loves me back.

Sal's POV
Crumbling autumn leaves scattered across the asphalt crunch as my feet press against them.  I walk through the empty street, the cold wind flying through my untamed blue hair.  The trees sway in the wind, the only noise being the whistling that it makes and the occasional bird song. 

I pass by the corner store and Addison Apartments.  Instead of going home, I'm going to check on Travis, who lives a few streets down from the apartments.   

I turn the corner at Juniper Road and walk towards the two story brick house at the end of the cul de sac.  Anxiety brews up inside my chest, constricting my breathing slightly.  I feel lightheaded.  What if his parents don't let me in?  What if they're abusive?  Negative thoughts flood inside my head like rain during a hurricane. 

I reach Travis's driveway.  I reach out my hand to knock, and then retreat it.  I'm so nervous to find out what goes on beyond this door.  If Travis gets abused...

I extend my hand and knock three times, afterwards stepping back off of the welcome mat which is decorated with crosses. 

I hear a lock clicking from the other side and the door opens.  In the doorway stands a woman, very beautiful, and very tired looking.  Her hair is waist length, jet black, and curly.  Her skin is dark, the color of milk chocolate.  The only resemblance I can see between her and Travis is their smile.  Beautiful, and bright enough to illuminate the entire room, yet at the same time sad and concealing great pain. 

"Can I help you?" She asks, her voice soft and sweet. 

"Is, uh, Travis home?" I stutter, scratching my neck. 

She smiles and opens the door wider.  "Yes, he's upstairs.  Please come in.  Travis will be pleased to have a visiter.  He doesn't make friends easy."  She gestures for me to enter, and I follow her into the hallway. 

Travis lives in a nice house in one of the wealthier neighborhoods of Nockfell.  The house is clean and decorated gorgeously.  Crosses hang in every corner of the house, and they have a bookshelves dedicated to old bibles.  The whole house smells of cinnamon.  I stand in their living room, taking in all of it.

"Travis is in his room.  It's upstairs, the first door on the left," Travis's mother says, pointing in the direction of the stairs. 

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