Such a Hateful Family

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TW!- abuse

Travis's POV
I hurry through the woods, dead brown leaves crunching beneath my feet. The freezing wind laps at my face as I run against it. I have to get home.

As I run, a grin clings to my face. My eyes light up and my body feels week. I feel happy. I fucking kissed Sal Fisher. And I feel good about it.

But my joy can't last forever.

I enter my house and shut the door, placing my shoes properly in the shoe rack. I can hear Father and Mother. Father is shouting. Mother is crying.

I listen closely to their interactions: "You fucking bitch! How could you let him leave? How could you let him leave the house and go and enjoy himself? Until he stops being a fucking faggot, he can't have fun!" I hear Father shout. Mother sobs. "But, Kenneth, he's a teenage boy. He needs to have fun. He's lonely, he doesn't have friends-" Mother is interrupted by a harsh smack from Father, knocking her to the ground. "Shut up, woman! You know nothing. He needs discipline. He needs to feel pain. Or else he'll never learn better!" Mother cries pitifully, her sobs seeping into my ears and causing me to tear up at her pain.

Suddenly, I do something that scars me. Something I will regret. I peer around the corner and into the living room to see the horrific sight.

"Kenneth, I- I'm sorry," Mother chokes, bruises spotting her dark face. Father glares, his nostrils flaring and his eyes red and swollen. "Sorry?!" he booms, shaking the living room. "You think that sorry will cut it? You stupid bitch."

Then comes the sight that I wish I could rewind time and never see. I knew Father was a horrid person, but this was inhumane. As Mother lay trembling on the floor, sobbing her heart out, Father reached for a lamp resting on the table by the couch side. "This is to teach you a lesson, you ungrateful woman," he said in a low voice. He lifted the lamp above his head, a look of pure hatred gleaming on his face. Mother shook, flinging her arms up in defence.

But that didn't help anything.

Father let the lamp come crashing down on Mother's beautiful face, the glass shattering into millions of pieces and burrying themselves deep inside her skin. The hard part of the lamp hit her in the skull, causing her to fall unconscious. Her beautiful brown eyes closed as she hit the floor. Father stood back, anger seeping out through his very pores.

"Mother!" I scream, causing my throat to ache. I rush into the living room and cradle her unconscious body in my arms, my tears wetting her jet black curls. Father approaches me and pulls me up by my shirt's collar, choking me in the process. "This is all your fault you little faggot!" he shouts in my face, shoving me against the brick fireplace. Tears race each other as they fall down my bruised cheeks. After seeing that happen to Mother, nothing can be more painful. Father plunges his fist deep into my chin, jolting my head back and making me bite down on my lip, drawing blood. He proceeds to punch me in the gut and chest, causing me to gasp for breath. He ends by striking my nose, listening to the sickening crack the blow produces, and dropping me to the floor, my face drenched in fresh blood. The last thing I see before I pass out is Father kicking Mother's body over to the side of the living room.

And then,

utter darkness and silence.

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